13 Ideas To Reinvent Yourself And Find Happiness

13 ideas to reinvent yourself and find happiness

Sometimes life hits us hard. Everything is as if the most violent of hurricanes had come to destroy and shatter everything that was part of our world. Everything happens as if our happiness had totally escaped our hands.

At other times, our whole universe seems frozen, and we are deeply bored, as if stuck in our own world. But maybe the reality is quite different.

We have the power to design our own world. We can endlessly reinvent it, and make a difference.

Being happy is all about attitude. In fact, you must have already met people who, according to your criteria, have every reason to be happy, but who are not. And, conversely, you might know people who always have a smile on their face, when life doesn’t give them any presents.

How can we reinvent ourselves to be happy?

Dr Maria Alonso Puig has already shared his 7 secrets to being happier. We’ve added a few of our own, so the list is bigger and you don’t have any more excuses for not learning to be happy.

We will reveal all these tips to you in the rest of our article. You are ready ?

You must be your number one priority

It is certain that watching and helping others brings us happiness. But when we focus too much on them, we run the risk of forgetting ourselves. And that makes us unhappy.

Saying “no” from time to time and not always being complacent are two important gestures to reconnect with our happiness.

Don’t hesitate to start all over again

Have you recently experienced a setback? Start over. Life is like a Ferris wheel: sometimes we are at the top, and other times at the bottom.

Start again at the base, climb the ladder little by little, and don’t get stuck in your past. Make new friends, fall in love again, change jobs… rediscover yourself!

Every day, every moment is a new opportunity to start something new.

Don’t punish yourself for your mistakes, learn from them

We all make mistakes. It is human to be wrong. Stop ruminating on all the things you should have done otherwise.

What is done is done. Take what happens to you as an opportunity to learn new things. There is no point in making yourself feel guilty except to paralyze you. Learn from your mistakes so you can move forward.

Think about positive things

A lot of times we say things like “I’m really unlucky!” or “Nothing good is happening to me!”.

Why not stop for a few moments to think about all you’ve got. Get up in the morning, and rejoice that you can see, smell, or touch.

Take a look at everything around you, you will be surprised.


Make up your mind to change things

If things don’t change, why don’t you change your attitude?

Are you bored in your life, in your routine? Look for new activities, new friends. Don’t wait for opportunities to come knocking on your door.

Do all the things you want to

Have you always wanted to learn a language, know how to play an instrument or go rafting? But what are you waiting for to do it?

When we do things that we have always wanted, we give ourselves a boost of happiness in our life.

Take advantage of the present.

Learn about other people who have reinvented themselves

There are many stories of people who knew how to surpass themselves, who knew how to manage their life in the right way.

We think for example of Irene Villa. His interventions in the program “Le antmillier” (“El Hormiguero” in Spanish) are excellent.

Manage your facial expressions

Did you know that with just a few changes on our face, we can radically change our attitude?

Start by getting up with a smile every morning. You will be amazed at the results.

Have a positive inner dialogue

Make good use of your inner dialogue. Include sentences that start with “I can”, and often say to yourself that “everything is going to be fine”.

The way you talk to yourself says a lot about how you value and treat yourself. Take it into account.

Recharge your energy and repel stress

Don’t let stress take hold of you. Stress will charge you with negative emotions and concerns, about your past or your future.

Divert your attention by doing an activity you enjoy, practicing meditation, or just observing how you feel, through introspection.


If you can imagine it, you can create it

Achievements have always been dreams in the first place. Why don’t you try to achieve all your desires?

Identify what you want, and explore all the possibilities available to you to make your dreams come true.

Sleep well

Sleep is a great ally of good humor.

When you go to sleep, try to disconnect from all your concerns. You deserve a good rest.

Be good to others

Being selfless makes us feel happier. So try to think about others a little on a daily basis.

If you put all of these tips into practice, you will start to reinvent yourself and feel better. You can add other tips to this list, which is not exhaustive. Never forget that happiness is an attitude.

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