3 Types Of Personalities That Make You Unique

3 types of personalities that make you unique

Personality reveals the person you really are. It includes both your physical and mental characteristics, and what sets you apart from others, what makes you unique. However, sometimes we want to identify ourselves as belonging to a group of people who have the same traits as us. We are talking here about the ranking of personalities, which can be classified into several groups.

There are many theories but we will limit ourselves to differences in personality A, personality B and a third type called C. This classification of personalities has been widely criticized and the debate is still not over.

Personality types A and B were determined by Friedman and Rosenmann in 1959. These two types were completely opposite. Thus, individuals could identify with them more or less easily, without this common problem of finding themselves a little in each.

But in 1980, Morris and Creer presented another personality, he had named C. This allowed people who did not identify with the previous ones to join a group. And why not ? Today we’re going to find out what’s behind each personality type.

1. Type A personality

Do you recognize this person who is always in a hurry? Is there anyone in your family who is addicted to work? People of this personality type are hyperactive, energetic, and extremely productive. This makes them give everything to their work and forget, a little, their family and their friends.


Personality A is therefore characterized by competition, this need to be better than others and which can lead us to crush what is around in order to achieve what we want. This can result in great aggression, which manifests itself in disqualification from the work of others and refusal to help those who need it.

The people in this group are terribly cold. At least that’s the impression they give. They repress their emotions, they are callous and are often harsh and firm. Sometimes all of this is just a facade to suppress terrible insecurity. They are very likely to suffer from illnesses like stress or anxiety.

2. Type B personality

Unlike the previous one, the type B personality is endorsed by more peaceful people, who do not get stressed easily. They therefore tend to happen all the time late, but that does not stress. They have all the time in the world.

People with personality B are also in love with their bed because they tend to get up late or sleep more than 8 hours. They therefore have a quiet life, without pressure. In fact, they are not interested in competing to be better than others. They recognize their limits and feel comfortable with themselves. They don’t need to be better than others.


One of the great characteristics of this type of personality is that people are often very empathetic and warm. They have no problem socializing as they attract people with their enchanting smiles. In addition, they are very attractive thanks to the security they embody. They often have great self-esteem.

3. The type C personality

This last type of personality is the most controversial, as it is aimed at the most passive and submissive beings. People who can relate to this group feel helpless in certain stressful situations or unexpected events. Even if they try, they fail to cope with things and consistently feel helpless.

They are often victims of abuse and manipulative people, because they show themselves to be submissive and conformist to whoever dominates them. They are not capable of making decisions, they are afraid to do so and their insecurity is much more serious than that which can appear in people with personality A.

Belonging to this group causes these people to inhibit their emotions, that is, to keep them to themselves. Thus, they swallow their anger, their disappointment, their sadness and fail to express them to relieve them. This causes serious problems with depression.


Have you identified with any of these groups? These types of personalities were determined a very long time ago and today things have changed. This is why this theory is very criticized because for many, it lacks rigor. What do you think ? What type of personality do you think you belong to?

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