5 Natural Anxiolytics

5 natural anxiolytics

There are several natural anxiolytics that can be an excellent option (having previously consulted your doctor) to supplement or replace allopathic medicines. They are recommended for mild or moderate anxiety. In addition, they often help reduce the “chemical load” we ingest, a particularly positive change in the case of people who are already on treatment. In such circumstances, one should always seek the advice of a doctor before making a decision.

Far from demonizing drugs, they nevertheless play a very important role at specific times. There are crisis situations in which they are the only alternative to relieve a symptom.  However, it is known that they have a large number of side effects, which means that they generate other health problems in the medium and long term.

In the case specified above, natural anxiolytics are a wonderful option. They have no side effects but, on the other hand, their main effects are very beneficial for our health. They are also a good alternative for regular consumption. You don’t need to have a special condition to ingest these wonderful products. Here are five of these natural anxiolytics.

1. Valerian, one of the best natural anxiolytics

Valerian is a plant that since time immemorial has been used to “calm the nerves”. It is one of the best known natural anxiolytics for its soothing and relaxing effects. It not only helps reduce anxiety, it also decreases palpitations and helps people get to sleep.

It is a natural product that is easily found in any plant shop. However, we should not forget that valerian has effects on our body when we consume it. Therefore,  anyone undergoing treatment of any type should consult a specialist before including it in their usual consumption.


2. Linden, another wonderful plant

Linden is one of the oldest natural anxiolytics. Much like valerian, it has been used for centuries to calm restlessness and states of stress. It has calming effects and facilitates the reconciliation of sleep.

All of these types of plants should normally be prepared in infusions. You just have to boil some water and, when it starts to boil, add the plant and remove the pot from the heat. Then it remains only to wait about ten minutes to drink the infusion. The ideal is to do this three times a day, one of them being in the evening before sleeping.

3. Tryptophan, a narcotic component

Although the name “tryptophan” is not widely known, the truth is that it is not a rare element. Not at all. It is an amino acid that is found in several foods. Its main characteristic is that it contributes to the production of greater segregation of serotonin, a hormone that balances mood.

Among the foods that contain tryptophan and therefore act as natural anxiolytics,  we mainly find turkey, chicken and blue fish. There is also egg yolk, pineapple, banana, avocado,  plums, dried fruits, dark chocolate and some seaweed like spirulina, among others.


4. Omega 3, good for almost everything

Nutritionists insist on the nutritional value of omega 3, mainly to regulate cholesterol and improve the functioning of the circulatory system. However,  this wonderful compound also has significant effects on anxiety states.

Omega 3 has an extraordinary property: it helps to reduce the levels of “cortisol”,  the stress hormone. It helps stabilize the mood. This is why it is considered to be one of the most powerful natural anxiolytics.

Omega 3 is mainly found in fish and seafood.  It is also found in rapeseed oil, soybeans, lamb, Brazil nuts, olive oil, spinach, strawberries and squash, among others.

5. Hops, a natural gem

Many believe that hops are only a compound used to make beer. However, its effects on our body can be immense, especially the tranquilizing and hypnotic effects. Those who have studied the impact of hops on our body report that it is particularly effective in treating abstinence syndrome in smokers.

It is also helpful in balancing the mood during menopause. It affects the production of estrogen and it is therefore advisable to consult a doctor before ingesting it for this purpose.

All of these natural anxiolytics are easy to obtain, accessible and have a pleasant taste. It is good to include them in our regular consumption, especially when we are prone to stress, the gateway to anxiety.

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