7 Keys To Dealing With Empty Nest Syndrome

7 keys to dealing with empty nest syndrome

Children are both a source of satisfaction and a source of concern. When they leave the house, parents can suffer from what is known as empty nest syndrome. Empty Nest Syndrome refers to the combination of feelings of loneliness, sadness and melancholy that blend together to give a feeling of abandonment and loss of identity.

The concrete circumstances of empty nest syndrome vary from family to family, as do the feelings parents have when their children leave home.

We must keep in mind that this feeling does not appear in all couples in the absence of their children. When it does develop, however, it can be felt to different degrees. If there is a solid foundation in the relationship and the bond and emotional bond is maintained, it is more difficult to see this feeling of dissatisfaction and abandonment develop.

On the contrary, if the presence of children is one of the reasons for maintaining the relationship, it is likely that the empty nest syndrome will appear. It is normal to regret everyday life with children and their company. In addition, this lack is associated with the concern felt for the safety of the child once he has left the home and will have to take care of him on his own. However, this situation can cause stress and even depression in parents.

Not all experts agree to talk about this disorder and some deny the existence of this syndrome as such. It is obvious, however, that this requires a vital change for both parents and children.

the sadness of parents when the child leaves home: empty nest syndrome

Once the children leave the parental home, it is time for parents to reorganize their daily lives so that this change affects them as little as possible. Children, on the other hand, must understand the new situation, accept it, and try to cope with it as best as possible.

It’s time to strengthen the relationship

When the children are at home, the couple relationship is often put aside. When the children leave home, it is a good time to strengthen the relationship, regain intimacy and seek common entertainment activities.

Keeping yourself physically active

It is never late to start playing sports and avoid a sedentary lifestyle. Strength, flexibility and balance are the three main pillars that we must work on to stay active and age in good health. In this way, it will be easier for us to relax and therefore to take care of our health.

Respect children’s autonomy

We have to accept the fact that children are older and no longer depend on their parents to make their decisions. Learning to build a relationship between adults can be a very satisfying step for both parties.

Enjoy free time

It is now possible to follow again activities that had been stopped to dedicate themselves to the education of children. Taking advantage of this moment is very rewarding to do what we want. Often times, occupations, taking care of the family and daily demands don’t leave us the time to do the things that we really like and that are a real source of pleasure for us.

So now is the perfect time to resume our activities and take more time for ourselves. This will help keep our mind occupied by preventing feelings of loneliness and sadness from easily taking over.

the relationship of a couple when the children have left the nest: empty nest syndrome

Dedicate more time to social life

The retirement and the departure of the children can be the origin of a lonely life. In many cases, these steps can cause social isolation. Staying active, enrolling in courses and workshops, being part of an association or going to meetings are in these circumstances activities that promote well-being, improve self-esteem and help the body to age. in good health.

Maintain a positive attitude

When we imagine our life without the children at home, it is normal to feel sadness overwhelm us. As soon as we get stuck in a negative view of this stage, let’s try to identify the positive points. This will allow you to view the situation with more optimism and to understand that this decision is really the right one.

The function of father and mother continues

The fact that the children leave the home and are completely independent does not mean that we will lose contact with them and that we will no longer be parents. During this new stage, we can look for new ways to meet the needs of our children in their lives and maintain an ongoing contact with them that allows us to feel them close.

A large part of the young population suffers from job insecurity or directly from lack of work. The trend is not towards hope. With an increasingly older population and an economic situation which mainly affects people in their thirties, the fact of becoming independent is each time more complex.

The aging of the population is a reality. This situation makes it difficult for some young people to leave the family home. The empty nest syndrome therefore feeds in a negative way.

The tranquility associated with having the kids at home, the lack of work and the comforts of home make many parents think that their foal will always be by their side, but they are unprepared for the situation. when it finally shows up.


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