7 Surprising Benefits Of Reaching Out To Others

Reaching out to others is a way to establish deeper, healthier, and closer communication with another person. The benefits are surprising. It even has a positive influence on our health.
7 surprising benefits of reaching others

Reaching out to others is getting harder and harder. We have the impression of living in a contactophobic society. We are forging more and more relationships through devices and screens and less and less through physical, real, face-to-face contact.

It is a shame to make such an observation. Additionally, it challenges mental health and social relationships. We have known for a very long time that touching others and being touched is fundamental. It is so true that the Instituto Europeo de Salud Mental Perinatal (the European Institute of Perinatal Mental Health in Madrid) reports that babies die from lack of physical contact. 

Dr. David J. Linchen, author of  Touch: The Science of Hand, Heart and Mind  ( Touch: the science of hand, heart and spirit ) indicates that  the touch is also fundamental to the development of intelligence and cognitive abilities. There are many reasons to touch others and allow them to touch us. Here are 7!

1. Touching others makes it easier to communicate with them

We communicate with others through different channels and languages. However, one of the most effective ways of communicating is precisely through touch. Thanks to it, we transmit emotions with up to 78% more efficiency. This is the conclusion of a study by psychologist Matther Hertenstein.

It is important to emphasize that by touching others, we reinforce the messages we want to convey and we manage to express with greater precision and intensity what we feel. A hug has a lot more impact than a “C ount on me ”.

Touching others has many benefits

2. Touching others has effects on physical and mental health

The skin has a multitude of receptors directly connected with the brain. Science has shown that when given a friendly hug,  the brain reduces the production of the stress hormone cortisol. The latter in turn strengthens the immune system.

Massage has also been shown to be  a more effective way than pain relievers in reducing migraine in women. It seems that the tactile signals reach the brain before the pain signals.

3. Touching others improves relationships between people

Touching others is one way to achieve a more authentic connection with others. People tend to perceive more honesty and sympathy in those who perform a light touch on the forearm. They are also more willing to cooperate with them.

In addition, touching others is  a sign of self-confidence and power. Others tend to view those who have regular physical contact with them as superior. This superiority is nonetheless seen as close and trusting.

4. Touching others increases the capacity for seduction

An important part of attraction arises from physical contact. Such contact breaks the ice between two people. Thus, a certain complicity settles between them at the same time as the confidence increases.

Affectionate and gentle caresses call for sensitivity. People therefore become more receptive and seduction is easier. A study has shown that contact between people who might be a couple increases heart rate and arouses desire.

5. Touching others enhances performance

A study was carried out in the United States on the influence of touch on performance. We selected a group of volunteers and divided it into two sub-groups. One of these subgroups received two massages per week. The other, on the other hand, did not receive any.

After a month, they were given a math test. Everyone who received the massages got better marks. We have thus been able to demonstrate that sports teams are more successful if their members hug or hug each other during a success.

6. Touching others strengthens sentimental bonds

Physical contact is also linked to the production of oxytocin in the brain. This substance increases the feeling of well-being and happiness. This is why in human relations and in particular in a couple, touch plays a fundamental role in feeling good with the other.

One of the signs that a couple is happy is precisely related to the recurrence of physical contact that they maintain. Hugs and hugs help fuel the love  and strengthen the bond.

Touching others strengthens bonds

7. Touching others increases the ability to persuade

To verify that touching others increases the ability to persuade,  you can do a small experiment. Ask someone to lend you a pencil without making physical contact with it. Then do the same, but lightly touching the upper part of his arm. Repeat the experiment several times and draw conclusions.

It has been observed that touching others is a way of exerting more influence on them. This translates into greater persuasion. It is again linked to the openness afforded by physical contact.

As you can see, reaching others and allowing them to affect you brings great benefits. Maybe it’s time to stop using so many devices to bond with people and rediscover that deep, secret value in touch.


Touch and be touched: much more than a biological need
Our thoughts Our thoughts

Touching and being touched by the people you love is more than a biological need. It is part of our language.

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