The Illusion: Engine And Breath Of Our Desires

Illusion: the engine and breath of our desires

We’ve all felt an illusion for something or someone at some point in our lives, right? Try to remember a time when you experienced this feeling very intensely. It was linked to other mental variables, wasn’t it? Among them, a very specific one: motivation.

When something or someone is truly deluding us and we “enjoy” it, we see how that illusion turns into a force. A source of energy from which we draw in order to achieve what is emerging on the horizon as a desire with possibilities. In other words, in this specific case, the illusion would act as an element that predisposes us to action, just as fire heats everything around it . Therefore, we must ask ourselves the following question: What does illusion have to enable us to do this? Read on and find out!

What is the illusion?

Intuitively, if we think about what illusion is, it is likely that most of us will include positive ideas in its definition. We associate it with positive values. It is something that helps us seek change and improve ourselves as people. But not only that, it makes us grow and improves our quality of life, without forgetting that it is a powerful reinforcer with regard to the actions for which we feel good.

In other words, it motivates us to use the means necessary to achieve the object of this illusion. This is an initial hope, fueled by the idea or feeling that we have found something positive on our radar What does that mean ? That illusion is what energizes us, just as it does for the actions we take to achieve our goal, as well as its consequence itself.

We explain ourselves. If we love to paint, but so far we have only spent a few hours on it and have not completed any higher education for this purpose, but consider the idea of ​​quitting our job to live on our webs, we will certainly fail and meet ruin. We will then feel bad and we will probably not implement other projects that delude us. This is precisely the other side of the illusion, disappointment, which far from stimulating growth, makes us conservative.

This does not mean that we will stop deluding ourselves and motivating ourselves in order to grow personally, but we will therefore be aware that “we are not made for this” and we will no longer make it a priority but will dedicate our time and our time. energy to other more important activities … Do you understand where we want to come? It is important to find goals that delude us, but they must be achievable and not a source of constant frustration, so that the consequences of trying to achieve it are both positive and increase the illusion, instead of reduce it.

Images by Marc Olivier Jodoin, Aleksandr Ledogorov and Crak Tibbs.

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