The Most Beautiful Person In The World

The most beautiful person in the world

I’m sorry, but there is no one competition that determines who is the most beautiful person in the world. Far from what we usually tend to see, read or listen to, beauty is an attitude. Something much more internal than we are used to thinking. Indeed, beauty understood as symmetry is greatly overestimated and makes us waste so much time in pursuing aesthetic canons that, perhaps, we forget the reality along the way. The important thing.

There is a lot of beauty around the world. I would say a lot. Human beings are able to find beauty in almost any expression of art, thing or being. We have the capacity to perceive it and the passion to admire it. But when we talk about people, the concept is disfigured. We forget that each person can be beautiful beyond their physical appearance. Far beyond the banality of an envelope.

The most beautiful person is courageous

Being courageous does not mean living without fear.  It means to stop running away in order to meet it and thus be able to overcome it. It’s part of the decision to give ourselves the place we want in the world (our world). It is based on listening and respecting ourselves, and brings us closer to what we want to become. Here are some of the benefits that can be enjoyed by courageous people:

They listen and validate their feelings

Far from running away from what they feel, they  take advantage of emotions to understand and get to know each other. They accept both positive and negative emotions without judging themselves for how they feel. When we put a name on our fears and insecurities, we can reflect on them and where they are leading us. It also allows us to act on the basis of consistency and balance.

heart in hand

They accept responsibility for their actions

They don’t complain or find guilty parties. They focus on what they can improve and work to do it. When we think we were wrong or when we experience something like injustice or failure, the attitude we take is a personal decision: to recover and try new options or alternatives. Everyone is wrong, but not everyone is persistent. And you, how do you deal with “fiasco”, failure or error?

They take a stand in the face of change

Changes are part of life and resisting them means, in a way, facing a very powerful current. Courageous people strive to make changes – which occur in their environment and therefore do not choose – opportunities  that serve as springboards for them to grow.  Change is scary, but when we avoid it and move away from what we are feeling, we stop moving forward.

They understand that we can’t always satisfy others

It is impossible to satisfy everyone and to satisfy yourself. It makes sense that we care about the opinions of those who are dear to us… but putting them generally before what we think and feel is to relegate us to the background. It is important to try to maintain some loyalty to yourself; which does not mean hurting others, but rather being careful not to hurt ourselves.

pensive man

They make decisions

Sometimes it’s easier to get carried away by inertia, even if it doesn’t bring us closer to what we would like to feel or what we would like to be. Courageous people make decisions. Decisions tend to scare us, which is normal: choosing one path means leaving others behind. However, we must make choices in moving forward. We must decide to move forward. And you, do you continue to leave important decisions in abeyance?

The most beautiful person is natural

Sometimes we have to make a particularly important decision: to move away from expectations, comparisons and demands so that we can be ourselves. Be without sweeteners, preservatives or additives. To be ourselves, nothing more. No less. Doing this does not mean moving away from usual people or contexts. It means coming closer to ourselves.

woman in a field

When this happens, our eyes are usually met with resistance, but in the long run the outlook becomes much more harmonious landscapes. We realize, through this process, the time that we have neglected. Then n ou we collect, we hug and decide to take care of us as we deserve: with love . Over time we start to be more sensitive to the beauty that we have inside. We understand that beauty cannot be achieved, nor lost over the years. This beauty is about thinking less and letting yourself go more. To be natural.

When we forget about filters, looks and opinions. When we find a way to come to the fore and claim the leading role in our story. When we are courageous and listen to each other, we become the most beautiful person in the world for the one who is always with us: us.

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Our thoughts Our thoughts

Spontaneity is the ability to be natural and sincere in the way you think and act.

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