6 Ways To Say “I Love You ” Without Saying It

We all have someone who we would like to constantly say that we love them. Maybe you even do it very often or say it without even thinking about it.

We’ve all had the weakness to think that when you tell someone you love them multiple times, it always had the value of the first time.

She knows you love her

Take into account that this person knows you love them and they won’t love you more if you tell them 5 times more per week. In fact, hearing “I love you” and feeling loved are two very different things.

It is very important that this person feels loved, because it is rewarding for both people. Our emotional well-being comes through a balance in our relationships, and it comes when we take good care of it.

How do you take care of this person? Here are several ways to say “I love you” without saying it. Discover them!

6 ways to say “I love you” without saying it

  • Let her know what you love about her: you love that person, regardless of the relationship between you and them, and that’s because you love the way they are.
    Spend time showing her what makes her so special and what sets her apart from other people.
  • Respect their space and share your time : this person likes to feel loved, but not overwhelmed.
    We must learn to respect each other’s spaces, and to measure our actions. Also, one way to say “I love you” without saying it is to volunteer your time.
  • Listen to her and support her : In any type of relationship, it is as important to listen as it is to speak. This person will feel closer to you when you apply these two things. You won’t need to waste that famous “I love you” because mutual support will be a way to show that you love.
  • Surprise her : Whenever you can, try to make today different from yesterday. There is nothing that can make a person happier than when they feel that they are being thought of.
  • Take care of that person : Worrying about someone requires demonstrations. It will be nothing to worry about if you don’t act on it. It is very good to make him feel that joys come when they are stimulated and that sorrows can disappear.
  • Pay attention to the details : a hug, a smile, a “what’s the best that happened to you in your day?” Etc. Any detail will make that person feel continuous “I love you”.

We all need to know that someone is by our side and listening to us, both for the good news and the bad.

However, it also does us a lot of good to feel that someone trusts us and that the relationship is mutual.

“… I will learn stories to tell you, I will invent new words to tell you that I love you like no other.”

-Frida Kahlo-

You too can say “I love you”

Obviously, all of these tips don’t mean you shouldn’t say “I love you”. In fact, any relationship will be closer if we tell our loved ones how much we love them.

You just have to understand that if these words are repeated very often, they wear out and lose their original meaning. 

This is why it is important to be sincere, to say “I love you” only when you are sure what it means and to look for other ways of letting others know that this feeling does not. has not changed.

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