Be Patient, For Time Gives Happy Outcomes To The Difficulties Of Life

Be patient, for time gives happy outcomes to the difficulties of life

It’s when we least expect it that things turn out well.

Good is needed in our life, we can recover from our fall, we regain our strength and the pulse of life begins to beat in our heart.

For all these reasons, we can affirm that time gives happy outcomes to the difficulties of life.

The good weather always comes after the rain. Calm always returns at the most unexpected moment of the storm. It is not a question of going fast, but of arriving on time and of walking with confidence.

Any event in our life, no matter how negative, can be the source of great learning for us.

It can help us understand ourselves better and have confidence in our future.


Good things always end up happening

It is said that he who hopes ends up despairing. But popular wisdom also teaches us that patience is bitter, but its fruits are sweet.

This is exactly what we can feel when we take a deep breath and life guides us out of our troubles.

Good things always end up happening to those who know how to wait, who keep the faith, who do not rest on their laurels, who know how to take advantage of the moments of pause and uncertainty in the path that leads them to their dreams.


Anything worth testing our patience

The most beautiful things in this world require us to be patient. This is how they create an enthusiasm in us that borders on passion.

Thanks to this, our mind generates the necessary strength to convince our body to keep moving forward.

All the things we strive for have great importance in our list of goals and desires. A complicated love, an inaccessible person, a dream job …

Sometimes we can get impatient. This is when we make mistakes, make matters worse, and entangle the red thread of our destiny.

During these periods, we get exasperated and our whole life seems very obscure to us.

Understanding oneself requires patience, tolerant attention: the self is a work in many volumes that cannot be read in a day. Once you start reading, you need to read every word, every sentence, every paragraph, because in each of them is an indication of the whole. To begin it is to finish it. If one knows how to read, one can find supreme wisdom in it.

Jiddu Krishnamurti


Everything passes, everything happens and everything is transformed

Everything we pretend to will eventually happen in our life, one way or another.

For this we must be aware that the pains are only momentary or, to put it another way, that there is no evil that lasts a hundred years.

Whoever takes his pain patiently and persists always ends up winning.

This is why we must stop rushing in pursuit of our dreams.

If we rush, we ourselves will jeopardize the achievement of our goals.

To prevent this from happening to you, you just need to learn how to deal with your impatience better. Here are some tips on how to do it.

  1. Breathing deeply is an ideal way to think in peace and give a break to our internal dialogue.
  2. Think about the reasons that make you impatient. Don’t overdo it, rearrange your priorities and think around them.
  3. Identify the things that most often make you impatient. It could be people, situations, or yourself. Being aware of this will allow you to relax.
  4. Answer this question sincerely: is your impatience useful or is it setting you up? Justify your answer as rationally as possible.
  5. Take your time and expect the unexpected. Even though we make perfect plans to achieve our goals, we may not get what we want. You have to accept that life doesn’t have to keep pace with you, but that it will always provide you with the opportunity to achieve your dreams.

Cultivate your patience, because if you wait the necessary time, you will arrive at your goal at the precise moment.

Don’t rush, don’t be an unconscious person. Manage your hopes and trust in life, because everything passes, everything happens and everything is transformed.


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