Feed Your Intentions Rather Than Your Expectations

We generally expect everything to turn out the way we imagined, to be treated the way we deserve. The problem is that reality does not always correspond to our will, it does not always take into account our desires. So, rather than waiting for the magic to work on its own, it is better to feed our intentions with deeds.
Feed your intentions rather than your expectations

We are experts at creating expectations, at generating fictitious realities in which we very often end up believing. Who has never fantasized about their future? While it is necessary to think with perspective, how we do it and what kind of relationship we have with her is also important.

Let’s not forget that it’s much easier to create probabilities, tell ourselves stories and build fantasies than it is to make them come true. We often have many intentions, but we ignore the need to nurture and care for them in order to reap the rewards.

Because nothing grows if we don’t cultivate – at least in a healthy way. So that, throughout our life, we collect a large number of options that remain unanswered.

The problem is, we live believing that life works the way we want it to and that others should treat us the way we deserve. So we become frustrated, angry and suffer great pain when it is different.

What were we expecting and what really happened? This is an excellent question. It tells us the trigger for how we feel when everything around us collapses.

N e are so enslaved to our expectations and we do not even realize in. We forget the importance of facts and the breeding ground for our intentions to make anything possible. Instead, we live in expectation and, meanwhile, life escapes us …

“When your expectations are reduced to zero, you really appreciate all you have.”

-Stephen Hawking-

Girl on a cloud.

The Spider’s Web of Expectations

It all starts with a belief. The one we nurture based on what we have been taught, what we have learned, and what we think should be. About love, family, work or ourselves.

Expectations are inevitable. The credibility we give them, as well as our attachment to them, then determines how we feel.

Many unpleasant emotions such as frustration, rage, sadness or anger originate from high expectations clashing with reality, and placing our trust in what we hope will happen can be expensive.

That’s not to say they aren’t necessary, since they tend to motivate us and broaden our range of responses. However, they have dangers in view of the powers that we grant them. So they will be good for us as long as they are realistic.

There is also a certain risk in continually feeding on desires where perfection is the rule. For example, to think that all will be well for us, that our relationship as a couple will be ideal or that our friendships will be faithful and that an eternal bond will reign.

This is just a cognitive trap in which hooking is the belief that we deserve the best. We ignore then that the perfect or the ideal does not necessarily have to be the best there is but what we work for day to day and for which we strive together to achieve happiness as real as it is sincere.

In other words, which not only feeds on imagination but also on intention, action and learning. The spider web of expectations can be very broad

Let’s just think about how many times we act on what we think others are expecting or how many times we get angry because others haven’t behaved the way we imagined. As we can see, misfortune and high expectations very often go hand in hand.

Therefore, remember the famous saying ”  Do not expect s nothing person counted e  only on yourself ” is a great help in our daily lives … But especially in our relationships.

“The expectations were like fine china. The more you held them, the more likely they were to break. “

–Brandon Sanderson–

Sad little girl.

Create intentions, feed them and act

Wait for what we want to happen, for others to treat us the way we want, for them to value us at work, for our spouse to realize what we need… Wait for re , wait for re and wait for re. Following the path without taking a single step is a great way to prevent progress and connection with others.

The circumstances do not take into account our wishes. The rhythm of existence does not adapt to each of us. To delude yourself about our future while looking out the window is a beautiful exercise in reflection and imagination, but it is only that.

It is necessary to add supplement this exercise by intentions to cultivate it. Only in this way will what we imagine will gradually become reality.

Once we are clear about our goals, we need a means of transportation to achieve them. The latter can only work if we supply it with the necessary energy. Therefore, the key is to define what we want. It is then necessary to analyze if this is possible, to cultivate the intentions and to nourish them with actions.

Let us not forget that nothing happens here on earth by magic. The fire of passion is extinguished if we do not add more wood. So be very careful if you stick to your expectations.

”  It’s not the things themselves that concern us, but our opinion of them.”


Expectations: who expects nothing, loses nothing
Our thoughts Our thoughts

We all create expectations of how things should be. And how others are supposed to behave with us.

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