Friendship Is Not Forever

Friendship is not forever

Friendship is part of our life ; it is born, it grows and it dies as we mature and change.

Learning to accept the different stages through which relationships with others go in our life will allow us to benefit more intensely from them, since we know that friendship can end for different reasons.

Take care of your friends; they are a treasure, and you never know for how long they will share their life with us.

As is the case with all treasures, the more intensely you take advantage of them when possible, the less the suffering of loss or distance.

What is a friend?

Often, we hear the word “ami.e”, and many comments around this notion. However, most of these references don’t give friendship the depth of feeling it implies.


A friend is that person with whom we share a stage of our life, so to speak, a part of our life path.


Friendship fills us, enriches us, and makes us grow alongside someone with whom to share our feelings and our life experiences.

What does friendship need?

Friendship, like a plant or any other emotional relationship, also needs time, attention, concern, sincerity and contact.

A relationship filled with feelings and affection towards the other person is called friendly, which then differentiates it from any other relationship that does not present these elements.

Friendly feelings are affection, tenderness, and love. A friendly relationship is filled with complicit attitudes and particular details.

In addition, a friendship is born and maintained when we share something in common, for example, values, passions, political or religious ideas, children of the same age, etc.


“Friendship is a soul that dwells in two bodies; a heart that dwells in two souls. ”


Since school …

Obviously, we can make great friends at school, who will remain our friends for years to come, even if that does not prevent other friendships from being created over the various stages of the process. life.

However, often, we lose our friends, and they only remain in the memory of the good times. They almost fall into oblivion of a stage passed and bygone.

How long does a friendship last?

Obviously, one cannot determine the definite or limited time during which a friendship lasts.

However, it is possible to explain why they end, why we forget them, why they get lost in the past and only remain in our memories.

A friendship is born between two people when their scales of values, their common projects, their ideas or their ideals coincide; this is what unites the two friends, who then spend time together discussing, working or having fun.

A friendship always arises during a very specific stage in our life, and ends at the same time as that stage.

A stage ends when a change takes place in us, when we evolve, when we mature, when we grow, or simply when we adapt to new circumstances.

Sometimes, it is not us who change stages, but our friends, and this also means the end of the friendly relationship then forged with them.



At each stage its values ​​and needs

When we are children, friends play a very important role in our life.

However, we do not really know who we are, or how we orient ourselves in our life, and when that happens, the most likely is that we move away, then finding other friends. with whom to share this new stage of our life.

This process is repeated throughout life, as many times as we change values ​​and mature, or when we decide to turn our life upside down. Each time we change, our surroundings change.

There are different, specific steps that can lead to changes in friendships.

We think, for example, of childhood and the school period, adolescence and the choice of studies, the arrival of adulthood, the beginnings of professional life, motherhood or fatherhood, changes in work, pairing or changing partners, crises and retirement, among others.


“No matter how great the turmoil, the sun always ends up shining between the clouds.”

-Khalil Gibran-

Friendship is not forever

At all stages, the friendships that we weave leave an important mark in our life, so deep that we would like these relationships never to end. .. yet, it is so, it is the law of life .

We share our life with those who have values ​​common to ours.

We can then say that our friends are our friends because we have come a long way with them, and that our friendship has lasted until our paths take different directions.

Even if some friendships end, they still endure in us forever, for everything we have learned with these friends, for everything we have experienced and shared with them.

Friendship is part of our development, and without it it would not be possible to evolve.

Sometimes this evolution implies that everyone follows their own path, pace, process and values, ending a stage as well as a wonderful friendship that has had its day.

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