From Today I Am My Priority And I No Longer Want To Be A Simple Option In Your Eyes

From today I'm my priority and I don't want to be an option in your eyes anymore

I often felt that I was not a priority in the eyes of others. I even decided not to see it and to persuade myself otherwise.

Sometimes it’s easier to do this rather than accept that someone doesn’t care enough about you.

I ended up justifying situations in which I was only a substitute in the eyes of a person.

I even accepted negative behaviors such as criticism that were due to stress and worry.

In the end, I realized that I could not continue like this and that from today my motto would be: “I am my priority, I am no longer a simple option in your eyes”.

Becoming my priority doesn’t make me selfish

The large number of times I have heard that my new attitude is negative has convinced me that I have made the right choice.

As luck would have it, the only people who complained are those who came to me only when they needed it, only to disappear afterwards.

At first I doubted and thought maybe these people were right. Then I realized that there was nothing more rewarding than loving myself, taking care of myself, making myself happy, and doing what I wanted to do.

Sometimes that means being alone, but that’s not a negative thing.

So when I became my priority, new people entered my life.

You will find that you will attract people who are genuinely interested in you. They won’t be with you all day because they too have lives and dreams to fulfill, but they will know how to be there when they need to be.

It’s so rewarding to start living for yourself and not come off after everyone else!

I accepted that some people were just using me

woman from behind

The hard part about becoming your priority is recognizing that some people are just using you.

When they need something, they turn to you. You think you are important to them, but these people are only interested in what they can get.

Sometimes it can even involve family members, or people you thought were your friends. And that hurts a lot, because they have a very important place in your heart.

The moment I started to think of myself as my priority, I received a lot of complaints and criticism from them.

They wanted me to stay the same as before. When I started using the word “no” in response to their requests, more than one person got angry.

They didn’t seem to understand my behavior and that’s how I realized that they were just a burden in my life.

In the end, I got away from these people. It’s difficult when it comes to your family members because they will always be a part of your life.

The difference is that today I say “no” when I feel the need and no longer pay attention to their complaints.

The importance of recognizing that I am precious

The main reason I was only an option before was my insecurity. I believed that I had no qualities or reasons to be important in the eyes of others.

All that time I spent criticizing and hurting myself was actually far more harmful than any outward attitude.

When I decided to be my priority, I started to find out what my qualities were. At first it was not easy, but once I accepted myself, these started to appear. I took things that I didn’t think were important into account and wrote them down.

It had a snowball effect. Find one quality, accept it, then find another, and so on.

Do not think that you are lacking in qualities. Chances are, in reality you weren’t paying enough attention to who you really are.

I’m my priority and I won’t go back

I am my priority

I have to accept that it is difficult to think about the past without feeling a certain nostalgia. I miss some of the people who have been a part of my life.

Sometimes I would like to go back and be who I was again. But then I remember how I felt, and I see that today I’m happier.

Of course, not everything is perfect. But life is complex enough on its own that it doesn’t matter to the person next to me.

Once I realized that I was only one option, a lot of people walked away, on their own.

Some were ashamed, others were angry. But among all of them, none has tried to come back to resolve things.

I think there is no reason to relaunch these “friendships”, that each person has their moment in our life, and that some have to end.

In fact, I never want to be just an option in someone’s eyes again.

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