Humor Conveys Joy

Humor helps convey joy

Humor and laughter help us soothe the most difficult situations. However, given that laughing is not a good thing in certain situations and we have always been taught, culturally speaking, to be preoccupied with everything, the option of taking life with humor has to do with it. been relegated to the background.

The tragedies that we see on the news every day show us a reality where  negativity has a key role. In addition, the complaints that people say aloud around us make us doubt the justice or injustice of life.

“The negativity of the world is an enemy whose strength can weaken your smile.”

-Helen Exley-

All of this permeates us and  we are sometimes so conditioned by such an unfavorable view of our existence  that we end up hurling names and lamenting over that glass that has just fallen or that establishment which closes too soon. They sure don’t want to work!

Concern seen as a mark of respect

To take life with humor is incompatible with a culture where concern is a sign of respect. It is obvious that joking about certain misfortunes or about death shows a complete disregard for others. However, sometimes you have to see the positive side of all the bad things that happen to us; and since it’s happening to us one way or another, let’s see it another way. We will illustrate this with a great example.

Fernando was 32 when he lost his job. He was in charge of the accounts in an accounting firm, but the company was hit by the crisis and the staff paid the price. Everyone was sad for Fernando, trying to give him motivation, hope, but with a pout of sadness and depression on his face.

It didn’t affect Fernando. He had lost his job, it’s true, but maybe it was a great opportunity to start his own business  or to get involved in other projects, who knows? In fact, her face was still lit with a smile, something that seemed to bother a lot of her family members as they told her, “How can you be so happy and calm when you’ve just lost your job! Maybe you don’t care? ”.

“Even your worst enemies cannot hurt you as much as your thoughts.”


We live in a world in which complaining and lamenting is completely normal  and anyone who goes out of this logic receives remarks or is judged in silence. For example, haven’t we ever wondered how a person could be so well after their husband died a few weeks ago or had a romantic breakup?

Taking life so seriously sometimes makes us over-dramatize situations  that have simple solutions. Of course, every circumstance is different, but if we know how to smile and see the future with optimism, everything will be more favorable and the opportunities that we dream of may come.

You choose how you want to see life: like a tragedy or like a comedy

Coming to life with humor does not mean laughing at everything that happens to others, or taking lightly all those complicated situations that befall us. No,  taking life with humor means not falling into victimhood, chasing negative thoughts that keep repeating and quitting complaining: in short, it means starting to act.

How many times have we fallen into the trap of declaring everything that happens to us as a sinister product of bad luck? And we don’t even move a finger, we just sit there, still, doing nothing. We have a long way to go before we are successful in coming to  terms with all that is going on and all the things that we have no control over  and at the same time not giving up that part we control to the whims of the wind.

Learning to laugh at a tragic situation or a painful episode that we have been through is a sign of great resilience. This does not mean that our pain is less intense but, on the contrary, that we can count on a precious instrument to stifle it: humor. Equally precious and admirable is finding the strength to lift your head and smile at life despite its many blows.

Going forward is not possible if we set out to dig in the well where we fell. What is the meaning of nurturing a negative emotion so that it turns into a state? It doesn’t push us to move on, see how strong we can be and realize that we have the resources to deal with those situations that test our strength of character. .

Resilience is the ability to face life’s trials, to transform pain into a driving force to surpass oneself and to come out stronger. A resilient person understands that they are the architect of their own joy and their own destiny.

Incorporating an extra touch of humor into our existence shouldn’t be an option but a way of being. Because we constantly forget that humor makes each day more beautiful, makes stress leave through the same door that it came through and makes every wound suffered by our soul much lighter. In addition, humor makes us transmit joy.

We know that laughter and endorphins go hand in hand. Even so, we are turning our backs on this natural pain reliever that has the power to provide us with well-being instead of a great deal of pain. Maybe it’s time to balance the tragedy?

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