Bounce Back After Making A Bad Decision

Bounce back after making a bad decision

There is no doubt that we are in the worst position to judge ourselves. When we make a mistake, it can take years for us to forgive ourselves.

When we’ve made a bad decision, the consequences resonate in our minds for a while if we don’t let them go, if we don’t overcome them, and most importantly, if we don’t forgive ourselves. On the other hand, good decisions are the ones we forget the fastest.

Why does the human mind work like this ? Perhaps because society has taught us since our childhood that mistakes pay dearly and, on the contrary, people expect us to make the right decisions.

However, we learn from our bad decisions. Learn what ? Well, first of all not to make mistakes again or realize the negative consequences that our bad decision has caused.

Read this little story which takes up a bit of what we said above:

An employee walks into his boss’s office and asks him, “How did you achieve all this success?”

The boss replies: “thanks to the good decisions I made”.

Unsatisfied with the answer, the man asks him: “how did you know how to take the necessary decisions?”

“With experience”, replies the employer.

Seeming almost pushy, the employee adds: “and how is it possible to gain experience?”

The boss then replied: “thanks to the bad decisions I made”.

What is the deep meaning of this story? What message can I get from this? And although if we don’t make the wrong decisions sometimes, it is very difficult to make the right ones afterwards.

We all make mistakes or thought something would be right when it actually wasn’t.

However, the difference between knowing how to bounce back from bad decisions or not is in how to overcome them.

It means that we can choose to go ahead and remember that what we did was wrong, in order not to repeat it.

Or, you can choose to let this error haunt you for the rest of your life, preventing you from moving forward.

It is vital to remember that bad decisions are part of our learning as we move forward on the path of our existence.

It is up to us to decide whether we choose to learn from it or to carry this weight on our shoulders all our life.

Once we have made a bad decision, there are several ways to act.

For example, feeling guilty and changing, feeling guilty and doing nothing to change things, pretending nothing has happened, being anxious, facing what we have done, etc.

So what is the best posture to adopt ? Undoubtedly the same as the pattern of the story you read above, i.e. being aware that bad decisions make us learn and forge experience, which will undoubtedly lead to success .

Everything seems very simple in theory … But what to do in practice? First and foremost, dealing with the whirlwind of emotions you are sure to feel, including sadness, indifference, and sometimes even depression.

Calming down is very important. Constantly blaming yourself for what we have done wrong will not help.

On the other hand, being aware of the fact that we made a mistake so as not to make the same mistake again is much more useful.

Sometimes the voices of our mind do not silence, preventing us from concentrating and sometimes even sleeping at night.

“Why did you do that?”, “How could you act like that?”, “What would have happened if…?”. This is what these little voices say …

Don’t let these internal conversations take over your day-to-day life, and most importantly, your future decisions.

Stop wanting to punish yourself, you can’t go back even though a lot of people think it would be ideal.

The best thing to do in this kind of situation is to figure out how to repair the damage done, and especially how to get back brilliantly on your feet.

Which leads us to the last step in the path to forgive ourselves for our bad decisions.

It is necessary to realize the damage that our mistakes cause.

To do this, we must keep our ideas clear, because an emotional imbalance could cause us to make bad decisions again or prevent us from seeing the consequences of our actions.

Finally, learn from your mistakes. It is essential to remember that a decision is only bad if it achieves respect and if we do not learn from it afterwards.

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