Hate: What Does It Teach Us?

Hatred: what does it teach us?

Hatred is an emotion that we feel intensely.

It can generate in us, among other somatic sensations, a blockage in the stomach or a knot in the throat, and it is likely that we do not even know how to solve the problem adequately.

In fact, when we feel hatred, something happens in our nervous system, in our blood, and consequently in our whole body.

As a result of these emotions, our hormones and neurotransmitters stir and prompt us to act; however, one must learn to manage it, so as not to injure oneself.

Hatred, one more emotion

Hatred pushes us to release energy, to externalize it, because it makes our interior a kind of pressure cooker.

If we do not open a conduit for the energy to escape, it can do us great harm and contaminate the rest of the emotions, thoughts and behaviors that we may have from that moment on.

If we don’t find a solution to this painful emotion, then we will feel blocked, we will suffer, and we will end up feeling frustrated, helpless and helpless.

As with all emotions, we are solely responsible for the hatred that we feel, even if we associate it with someone or project it on them.


Against others

Hatred is an emotion that escapes us, that wants to come out and for that, sometimes, we feel that we cannot control it.

Often times, it is born motivated by someone, who does or says something that disturbs us.

Often, we exteriorize the hatred against that person who triggered that emotion in us, by behaving impulsively and without control over our words and actions.

However, this does not really solve the problem, and instead causes conflict and damage, which you will probably regret later.

Against myself

Sometimes you can also feel hatred towards yourself, which can happen because of a situation, and not really because of other people.

In other words, it is a direct attack on yourself, leading to self-blaming for the awkward or unpleasant situation you find yourself in.

Either way, self- hatred does not set us free, but, on the contrary, makes our condition worse.

Far from dissipating, self-hatred will grow within us, which will lead us to feel overwhelmed by so many unresolved and self-defeating emotions.


“Hatred is very damaging to everyone, but especially to the man who feels it.”

-Leon Tolstoy-

Hatred that destroys

If you don’t know how to solve it, hatred can turn out to be destructive.

If we let it control us impulsively, we hurt ourselves, but we also hurt others.

On the contrary, if we suppress it as if it were a radioactive residue, it stays nested in us, grows in size over time, and hurts us.

We must learn to solve it and manage it so that it does not destroy us.

However, it is important to understand where it comes from and why we feel it, thus realizing the true origin of hatred.

We can only get rid of hatred by knowing the emotion in depth.


“It doesn’t matter what the doctors say; in human beings, hatred is often one of the enemy’s traps ”

-Gabriel Garcia Marquez-


The emotion that teaches us things

Hatred always indicates to us a certain personal dissatisfaction, something that we have not resolved and which can come from childhood.

To discover the real origin of hatred, one would have to observe in which situations it appears, and in which situations it remains asleep.

Probably all the situations in which it occurs have something in common, since often this emotion hides dissatisfaction, pain, unfulfilled expectations, a feeling of inferiority, abandonment, frustration, lack of support, a search for perfection, etc.

If we observe our hatred, it will show us where we must act to appease it, perhaps to strengthen ourselves, to accept failure, to respect how others are or to feel satisfied.

Only then will we stop feeling this unpleasant emotion.


“Take care of your own emotions and never underestimate them”

-Robert Henri-

Channel and manage

It is important to know how to manage and face hatred in an adequate way, when it is already in you.

You need to avoid harming yourself and others, while feeling relieved that you can express your hatred.

All of this is related to Emotional Intelligence; in other words, it is a matter of knowing how to express it, resolve it, and confront it without hurting anyone.

To do this, find a physical activity that allows you to “release your hatred”, and during the physical exertion, imagine that you come out of yourself the hatred that hurts you, feeling the relief of the exercise run through you.

You can also wriggle, hit a pillow, or even throw stones.


You can also choose a safe place, where you can shout and express yourself without anyone hearing you, you can say out loud what helps you release your hatred, knowing that no one will be there to receive it. .

Then, you will feel more liberated from the discomfort that inhabited you then.

Learning from emotion

Remember to look for the source of the hatred you feel, and learn from what it has to teach you.

Learn from an emotion, it’s a way to grow. Knowing how to handle it is expressing it without hurting you or anyone else, and making hate a lesson is healing yourself from your deepest internal traces.

Each day we will learn new things, if we take the time to observe and recognize our emotions.

It is important to learn to deal with hatred and to learn from it, to learn from its origin, so that it does not hurt us or cause us to be unhappy again.


“When I say controlling emotions, I mean really stressful and disabling emotions. Feeling emotions is what makes our life rich ”

-Daniel Goleman-

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