Virginia Satir’s 5 Freedoms To Build Self-Esteem

Virginia Satir's 5 Freedoms to Build Self-Esteem

Loving ourselves is a task that many of us have yet to do. Valuing, appreciating and treating us with affection should not be secondary aspects in our routine; they should be present daily. Prioritization is fundamental if we want to achieve emotional as well as social well-being.

We are able to express our full potential and build healthy and strong bonds with others only when we treat ourselves with respect and dignity. Self-knowledge is the key to connecting deeply with others. How to find this key? What can we do to start loving each other?

Virginia Satir’s 5 Freedoms will help us with this. It is a set of powerful affirmations developed with the aim of initiating a process of personal development with a view to strengthening self-esteem. Let’s dig deeper into the subject.

The freedom to be

This first freedom of Virginia Satir has to do with the importance of authenticity and of living the present instead of navigating the depths of the past, future currents or even the undersides of idealization and external projections.

freedom to be

Our mind can lead us down various paths, some of them will make us slaves to guilt and waste our time while others will create fictitious realities that will trap us because they will show exactly what we want. In fact, the direction in which to look and make our way is up to us …

The key lies in establishing a deep connection with ourselves. If we do, the fantasies of the past will disappear in the same way as future fears and ideals. This is the only way that will enable us to focus our attention on the present to move forward and be ourselves, free from filters, masks and distractions.

The freedom to say how we feel and what we think

In the majority of cases, we fear that our words and thoughts are not adequate. We fear not receiving the approval of others or simply hurting them. Because of this, we end up expressing far less than half of what we feel and think.

In this way, we disguise ourselves and instead of creating authentic relationships, we build unstable bonds and false modesty. It is a double betrayal, firstly towards ourselves because we reject ourselves and secondly towards others to hide the person that we really are. In fact, let’s not forget that we can decide not to say anything as long as it is a personal decision that is not imposed from the outside or to say what others want to hear.

There is nothing wrong with expressing our feelings and beliefs as long as we do so with respect and emotional responsibility. In fact, if we want others to know us and accept us for who we are and want to bond with them noble, it is highly recommended.

The freedom to feel

This is one of the freedoms of Virginia Satir that can cost us the most since no one has taught us to identify how we feel. We must keep in mind that each of the emotions is valid, we must not repress or block them as this would prevent us from deepening the wonderful knowledge of ourselves.

Once we know that we are free to live and experience each and every emotion that we may feel, it is important to practice identifying emotional language. Sometimes sadness hides behind fear or fear is expressed through rage. It is important to listen to the emotions, to focus on how we feel to know each of them and then to be able to deal with them.

The emotional world that each of us hosts within is a map that not only helps us know who we are, but also helps others. Because if we don’t know how others are feeling, we will hardly be able to respond adequately to the relationship we have established and vice versa.

freedom to feel

The freedom to ask

We can’t wait for opportunities and people to knock on our door, nor can we comply with everything that comes along. We have the freedom to choose and to ask.

Often, people with low self-esteem can take action once they are given permission, the result of insecurity. It is as if they weren’t able to decide for them because someone had deprived them of this right. Although they felt this during their childhood, it is never too late to wake up and raise your voice, to make yourself visible.

Once we know who we are, what we feel and how to express it; the next step is to express it and then move towards it and take risks.

The freedom to take risks

The last of Virginia Satir’s freedoms is linked to taking risks, to leaving our comfort zone which, in addition to being uncomfortable at times, turns out to be a real refuge.

If we want to grow, if we want to move forward, the only option is to act and therefore to take responsibility for the consequences of our actions. This will allow us to take responsibility for the facts and learn from them. Until we let go of that feeling of security and face uncertainty, it’s impossible to keep knowing each other.

As we see, Virginia Satir’s 5 Freedoms is a self-love song. It is a set of statements that invites us to reflect on our personal valuation and on the authenticity of our relationships with others.


Put self-esteem into practice to be happy
Our thoughts Our thoughts

The vital importance of self-esteem above all else. To be happy, you have to think about taking care of yourself before anyone else.

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