Truth Triumphs Over Itself, Lying Requires Complicity

Truth triumphs over itself, lies require complicity

We have all been through situations from which we are not sure how to get out. The truth is that every path brings with it some difficulties, especially when we ourselves have got stuck in this situation.

Lying sometimes seems like the best answer, because it is the easiest in the short term.

However, lying means entering a hallway that has many detours but no exits. And most likely, we will end up getting lost in it.

Lying betrays and betrays us

While lying about something may seem very tempting to us at some point in our life, in the long run, it is the truth that will relax us and do us good.

Whether it is because we are ashamed of something or because we are aware that we have made a mistake, the best is to be sincere with others, otherwise we betray ourselves.

attacked woman

We have to know that we are not perfect and therefore we have the right to be wrong. But it has been shown that lying falls under its own weight and that the truth stands alone and lofty.

We must therefore be consistent in our actions, accept what we have done wrong and thus put ourselves in the shoes of the one to whom we have wronged.

Telling the truth at first may be the most painful, but in the long run, we and those we have hurt will value the effort. It will also help us respect and forgive ourselves.

The lie is a hole full of abysses

When we are sincere, what is around us stands on its own: we know the positive things and the negative things that are between us.

People who move away from our world do so because somehow they don’t feel good there. It means that we are not made to share something, that we are not compatible.

Maybe we find it hard to accept that some people don’t feel attracted to what we can give them, but it makes us realize that those who stay are the ones who evaluate us for who we really are. . Isn’t that a reason to be proud of yourself?

Mark Twain said: “If you tell the truth, you won’t have to remember anything” . It is obvious that being sincere is the best medicine to be relaxed and at ease in life.

Otherwise, our daily life turns into constant tension. We wear a disguise at all times.

In the long run, the truth is the easiest way

Nothing compares to the satisfaction of having told the truth: maybe at first the pill struggled to pass and even the critics rained, but the peace that the truth sows is not. comparable to the mirage that lies draws.

Being sincere with others helps us to mature and enhance ourselves as a person, because it is a matter of courage.

So even though it might seem harder to accept it at first, it’s the best decision.

In the long run, our path will be easier than that of lying, which feeds only on itself to entangle everything around it.


The confidence that others have in us can be regained if we surround ourselves with truths, because its cement is much stronger than that of lies, which is only strong in appearance.

If we do everything we can to be honest and sincere, so will we with ourselves. As a result, others will value us for this as well.

Be sincere with yourself and with others. Always choose what you would like others to do for you, because it will be much easier to build healthy relationships, in which others will act with sincerity.

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