Artificial Brain: Progress And Possible Uses

Replicating the human brain is one of the goals of neuroscientists and robotics experts. This form of technological advancement is commonly known as the artificial brain. In other words, these are studies aimed at replicating the cognitive skills of the human or animal brain under the aspect of software and hardware.
Artificial brain: progress and possible uses

This idea of ​​creating a fully electronic brain is the subject of many science fiction films and novels. Gradually, however, it is becoming a reality. There are indeed various projects bringing together the brightest minds on the planet to develop the first artificial brain.

It is considered that the development of the artificial brain will make it possible to create an artificial intelligence more or less advanced than human intelligence. For this, it is necessary to reconstruct and reinterpret simple molecules as well as complex neuronal connections.

In the rest of this article, we will discuss the possible uses of the artificial brain and its more recent progress. Especially the Blue Brain project led by IBM.

Possible uses of the artificial brain

The possible uses of the artificial brain depend on the motivations of each research center. Some are developing this project for a better understanding of the human and animal brain, while others are doing it to achieve eternal life: these are transhumanists.

Usually eccentric multi-millionaires who want to avoid death fund this kind of research. The main idea is to become immortal by transferring consciousness and memories from their biological brain to an artificial brain.

The image of an artificial brain project

Beyond these few somewhat artificial uses, the artificial brain also has scientific uses, which can be summarized in the three most essential:

  • Better understand the human brain, and thus know how to treat certain brain diseases. The goal is also to extend human cognition to unprecedented levels.
  • Testing a theory in the philosophy of artificial intelligence: studying the possibility of creating a machine with the same human cognitive abilities
  • To create a machine capable of performing general intelligent actions: in other words, to create a machine as intelligent as a human being. With adaptive capacities and sustained learning. And thus be able to solve everyday problems via the artificial intelligence contained in an artificial brain

The latest progress

Great progress has been made in robotics and computing in recent years. However, we have not yet been able to replicate the human brain. This is explained by its great complexity: indeed, an artificial brain should simulate the relationship between more than 100 million neurons.

The best-known project and the most followed by the rest of the experts on the human brain and computing is carried out by IBM and L’Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland (EPFL). This is the Blue Brain project (“Cerveau Bleu”, in French).

The goal of Blue Brain is to build an artificial brain based on the brain activity of a rodent. This is possible thanks to a large computer made up of other smaller computers which represent the reconstituted neurons.

This reconstruction of the brain of a rodent has for long-term objective to allow to understand a little more the functioning of the human brain. And above all to better understand how human beings think, forge their memories and reason.

This project started in 2008. The most promising results are expected to be used from 2050. The aim is to expand human intellectual capacity and to be able to transfer the contents of a human brain into an artificial brain. .

A brain covered in light

Critics of the development of the artificial brain

Some neuroscientists consider it best to focus efforts on developing general intelligent actions. And this without having to imitate the nature of the human brain. According to them, replicating the human brain to perfection would be a titanic task, even somewhat dangerous.

On the other hand, there are certain ethical issues to be resolved that arise when developing the definitive artificial brain. Especially with regard to everything that is related to its maintenance, the relationship with humans, the development of the personality, the learning system, freedoms and possible death. In other words, could we consider an artificial brain as a human? What rights would he have? Could we turn it off? Etc.

It seems that there is still a long way to go before we develop a successful artificial brain. However, in reality, we are not so far from the goal. So much so that many researchers consider that its speed of development is faster than expected. And that the results are very promising.

Thus, we should consider and answer not only questions of a technological nature, but also those of a social, ethical and moral nature when activating the hypothetical first artificial brain.


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