Let It Flow, The Art Of Not Going Against The Grain

Let it flow, the art of not going against the grain

Every experience we have affects how we act. To feel and to think. They transform us all, in their own way, whether it be with leaps and bounds. It all depends on the importance we give them. The problem arises when the circumstances we are experiencing hit us so hard that they are capable of shaking our world. Or turn it upside down. Suddenly we don’t know how to act anymore and we would like things to turn out another way. Expectations can hurt us a lot.

We are sometimes obsessed with one thing: that everything goes perfectly, that is to say as we had thought. We’re hanging on to an ideal future scenario where all the pieces of the puzzle fit together perfectly,  hoping these same things actually happen. The point is, when the latter points the tip of her nose with all of its imperfections, we realize that a lot of the pieces don’t fit together. That others are missing and that some were previously unimaginable. So we feel frustrated, lost and uncomfortable.

But who assured us that everything would be perfect? Anybody. Our mind is responsible for it. It was just a guess, a story he was telling us to leave us alone  and free us from this feeling of insecurity. It is true that perfection is not always the best path. One of the biggest obstacles in our lives can be our stubbornness to make things happen the way we want them to. So what to do?

Let it flow. Yes, you read that right. Letting ourselves be surprised and accepting what life brings to us can be a wonderful option  if we live it with responsibility and commitment. But what exactly does this attitude consist of? We will explain it to you. You are ready ?

Letting it flow means receiving what life brings to us with love

Swimming against the current involves the risk of drowning  us if we are not specialists. It’s like we’re trapped in an endless storm. On the one hand, we are trying too hard. We lose all of our energy and end up exhausted. On the other hand, we continue to hope that circumstances change and that we can be successful. On the other hand, if we practice the art of letting it flow, everything will be much simpler.

Letting down means letting the spool of thread come undone. It means accepting instead of struggling. Take advantage of the current to direct us to where we want to go. To do this, we have to let ourselves be surprised every moment, instead of planning everything.

woman and flower

It is about receiving, with love and acceptance, what life brings to us, knowing how to learn from each experience  and, above all, being aware that it is impossible to control everything. That way, when we let ourselves be surprised, we can start enjoying every moment. We will also free ourselves from the frustration generated by the clash between what we imagined and what is happening in reality.

If we try to control what is going to happen, we will waste energy and time because the majority of variables are beyond our control. If we cultivate the attitude of patience and wait and see what can happen, it will be much easier  for us to live without anxiety and worry. We will stop focusing on the future and focus on the present.

How to let it flow?

Letting it flow is the art of letting ourselves be carried away,  of fully receiving surprises and freeing ourselves from the fears that prevent us from growing. It consists of living the present in all its splendor. There are many ways to practice this wonderful art. Here are some ideas.

  • Practice acceptance. This is the first step for our philosophy of life to integrate this notion of “letting it flow”. Accepting what is going on around us  instead of fighting against it is the basis of everything. We desperately want the circumstances to turn out the way we want them to and for people to act the way we imagined, but this is just an illusion created by our mind. It can happen, just as it may not happen. So we should not wait for anything but accept and, from there, we will decide what to do.
  • Connect to the present. Living in the present moment allows us to sink because it frees us from the weight of the past and the expectations of the future.
  • Learn lessons. If you learn from each experience, even if some are not pleasant, it will be easier for you to let go. We can learn from anything and everyone, let’s not forget.
  • Be open to surprises. Every moment is unique. Instead of rejecting what we don’t know, why not take risks? Of course, for that, you have to be responsible and committed.
  • Meditate. Meditation is a powerful exercise to begin to connect with yourself, to deepen what we have inside and to awaken. Thanks to it, we will further develop our sensitivity and, of course, we will connect to the present.

Once we start letting go, it will become less and less difficult not to go against the grain. There are things we cannot fight against and we waste a lot of time, energy and rage trying to force things. By being patient and letting the path show us a direction, we can live more fully.

let it flow

Let it flow: the benefits

Not going against the grain is a good option for living fully. In addition, this practice offers us important benefits, such as the following:

  • Harmony. Letting it flow opens the doors to peace and quiet. It also allows us to savor the harmony of everything around us. To be open to what is happening, being aware that it is not all up to us.
  • Creativity. By not going swimming against the tide, we experience the moments in an authentic way. In this way, we can have more freedom when it comes to generating new ideas to take new paths or make better decisions.
  • Relaxation. Letting ourselves be surprised by what is happening helps us free ourselves from guilt and expectations. That is, those tensions that force us to remain in a state of continuous alarm.
  • Detachment. When we let it flow, we detach ourselves from people, situations or things. We put aside this habit of hanging on and opt for happiness. In this way, we free ourselves from what hurts us and begin to appreciate the true value of what surrounds us.
  • Happiness. Letting it flow, in a way, brings us closer to that feeling that we so desire to know and that is within us: happiness. By being at peace, unattached and connected to the present, we will be able to reach it more easily.

Letting go means letting go of a weight, allowing things to happen, learning from all situations and enjoying every experience, every moment. Everything happens at a specific time in our lives.

Letting it flow is quite an art. You are the painter of this great work that is life. You decide how you want to conduct it. Learn to receive each moment with open arms and you will be able to achieve it.

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