When You Don’t Know Where To Go, Follow The Scent Of A Dream

When you don't know where to go follow the scent of a dream

A dream does not come to pass until you feel free to transform your reality. However, sometimes we have the very clear feeling that society is orchestrating a thousand and one strategies to cut our wings, to make us enter these molds in which we will remain little by little conditioned by a routine lacking in brilliance and freedom. .

In any library, we find endless books to teach us how to achieve our dreams and goals. We are told about determination, self-confidence and motivation. However,  we do not always describe the subtle importance of all these dream breakers that are proliferating around us. We pointed out a little earlier about society, all these organizations that, with their policies and orders, control us. However, we should also be talking about families or even educators.

“Do not sleep to rest, sleep to dream because dreams are made to be realized. “

-Walt Disney-

María Montessori said that the first task of education is to “stir life up”, but leaving it free to develop itself. Today, in a large number of families and educational centers, instead of agitating, fostering and igniting this spark so that children can launch into life with enthusiasm, we limit ourselves to enclose them in a series of parameters in order to homogenize them.

. It is nothing less than an ideal ground for dreams to germinate. We cannot forget that  the big dreams that have arisen from the finest minds are the ones that can change the world, the  ones that help us aspire to a more worthy horizon, filled with wonder and possibility.


Dreams make us grow as people

Sometimes we have the distinct sensation that our personal and professional places of life are like minefields. We live in a present that does not make things much easier: bureaucracy, corporatism, lack of investment in human capital and the rigidity of our social structures are real barbed wire for our dreams.

“What really matters is not the goals we set for ourselves, but the paths to reach them. “


In the midst of the present complex circumstances in which many people find themselves plunged, a truly paradoxical fact occurs. Much of our dreams are found at the lower levels of Abraham Maslow’s pyramid of needs. The aspiration for safety and protection is a goal that continues to resist us: a good job, a house, an economical mattress …

In the same way, the needs for esteem or recognition are also pending objectives in which we must invest day after day: confidence, self-esteem, independence, freedom … It is as if achieving this self-realization, this force with which a person is able to arrive at the reality that he has always wanted, required a lot of effort from us.


Now, as Wayne Dyer said, when you dance, your goal is not to go to a certain place on the track but to enjoy every step of the way. Therefore, instead of getting frustrated for not having achieved our goals or for having gaps  in the confidence we place in ourselves, we need to be aware that this is a dance that cannot be done. ‘never stop. If you stop, the music goes out and you lose the rhythm, the magic, the motivation.

If there is one thing that a human being has always done since he looked at the sky and discovered the stars, it is to dream. No matter how dark the night is or how thick the jungle of our everyday worlds is, dreams motivate us every day and cause us to struggle, not to give up. Because no dreamer is too small and no dream is too big.

Images of Dimitria Milan

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