3 Foods That Increase Energy

Are you running out of energy? In this case, you may need to include the foods we are going to show you below in your diet, in addition to changing some habits.
3 foods that increase energy

Increasing energy is essential for improving well-being. This can be done by promoting healthy lifestyle habits. Getting good rest and doing strength exercises will help. But it is also possible to consume a series of foods that increase energy.

We will introduce you to some foods that you can include in your diet to help you feel more fit. Now, keep in mind that some of them should not interfere in certain cases, such as pregnancy or pathological contexts.

Coffee to increase energy

increase energy

Coffee is one of the quintessential energy foods. This results from its content of caffeine, an alkaloid that activates the central nervous system and saves glycogen, promoting the use of fatty acids for the genesis of energy.

It is an ergogenic aid  because it increases the performance of athletes. This is confirmed by a study published in the journal Sports Medicine . In all cases, it must be taken into account that there is a maximum dose which then makes it toxic. It is usually around 250 milligrams in one take.

On the other hand, it is advisable to avoid adding sugar to the coffee. This ingredient causes problems at the metabolic level in the medium term, as it significantly affects blood sugar levels. Whenever possible, it is best to consume the drink on its own.

If you want to increase your energy, eat chocolate

Another food that increases energy is chocolate. However, not all of them work. Most commercial varieties contain little cocoa and too much added sugar. The nutritional value of the food is therefore altered, becoming an ultra-processed product of very low quality.

Varieties with a high concentration of cocoa should not be consumed. These can provide antioxidant phytonutrients for good health, like theobromine . In addition, cocoa contains a certain amount of caffeine, which improves the feeling of vitality.

Remember that the regular presence of quality cocoa in the diet has been shown to improve certain parameters associated with good health, such as blood pressure. This is shown by research published in The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews .

Dried fruits also help increase energy

increase energy

We cannot talk about foods that increase energy without mentioning dried fruits. These products are distinguished by their nutritional density. They concentrate essential nutrients which participate in various physiological reactions.

For example, zinc, which certain varieties of dried fruits provide, guarantees an optimal production of testosterone in the testes, which has a link with greater vitality in men. A deficiency of these nutrients negatively affects the state of health.

Nuts contain high quality fatty acids that help maintain the balance of inflammatory processes. This effect is decisive for the prevention of chronic and complex pathologies, such as those of the cardiovascular type.

Of course, we must not forget that these foods are quite high in calories. We will experience weight gain in case of excess, which is counterproductive. You shouldn’t eat more than a handful or two a day.

Introduce foods that increase energy into the diet

There are several foods that increase energy, having a positive impact on daily performance. The best thing to do is to include them in a varied and balanced diet that ensures the intake of all the essential nutrients. This helps to avoid deficiencies, which could lead to the development of pathologies.

However, eating well is not enough to enjoy good energy levels. You should also get good rest, avoid alcohol and other drugs, and exercise regularly. It is important to remember that sedentary people tend to have low energy levels. The latter also decreases with the passage of time.

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