Economic Dependence In Adulthood

Economic dependence in adulthood

Like it or not, money is an important part of our life. The topic of finance has grown in complexity with globalization. In addition, in many contexts, purchasing power is much less important than in the days of our grandparents. Job crises follow one another. For this, there are many people who, in adulthood, are still economically dependent on their parents.

From a practical point of view, economic dependence is a viable and united exit from a concrete problem. From a psychological perspective, this gives rise to a series of difficulties when it comes to drawing up life projects. Of course, this has helped to change the expectations and demands of parents or family members of dependent people by increasing their level of influence.

The fact of not having a job and being subject to economic dependency also impacts on personal image and self-esteem. Many people think that depending on others is “comfortable” but often, in addition to being wrong, this idea hurts.

parent / child economic dependency

Parents and economic dependency

There are several scenarios. In some circumstances, finding a job becomes difficult. In other cases, it is the parents who directly promote economic dependence. In addition and although it may seem contradictory, many parents complain of a lack of autonomy and adopt behaviors that promote it.

The reasons for this can be varied. The most common is that one or both parents do not feel comfortable with their own life. Children can therefore be an excuse not to face the problem.

We also give the case of parents who have serious relationship problems and who do not manage to overcome them. In this kind of conflict, children are often the mediators or serve as an excuse. If children become independent, parents have no choice but to face the truth. It is very likely that in this case, he is not ready to face their difficulties as a couple. 

In the same way, there are parents who fear loneliness or who do not accept the pain that arises from an announced reality : the gradual distancing of children in search of their own space. It is a space in which parents will have a place but in which they will not always be the main figures or the point of reference.

Children and parents who promote economic dependence

Many parents unwittingly promote the economic dependence of their children. They overprotect them from an early age by converting them into uncertain and dependent people. Faced with children’s attempts to make their own lives, they show demotivating, disheartening and manipulative reactions.

Those who have been educated in this way are more likely to fall into economic dependence in adulthood. They are low-confidence people and this is their main burden when they leave home and can no longer rely on their privileges. They need their own space in the world but have no idea how to build it.

They do not feel they can do it anyway . This prompts them to take low-paid or unstable jobs. They also become paralyzed when they lose their jobs and cannot easily find a replacement.

economic dependence

A problem that can be solved

Of course, when someone doesn’t believe in themselves, they don’t believe in what they can do either. Entrepreneurship at the professional level ceases to be an option. In fact, as can be seen in the study by Novelo, Carrilo and Lopez (Congress of the International Network of Researchers), personal effectiveness is one of the most effective signs of this.

In their minds, the world is so threatening as it is unapproachable. They therefore prefer to remain refugees with their families. Fear wins them over. The fear is so great that they would rather be the object of criticism or stop enjoying the privileges of independence in order not to experience the vertigo of challenges.

Uncertain and frustrated parents usually give birth to photocopy children. In addition to striving to find and failing to find the perfect job, they should use their energy to resolve the fears that are blocking their progress. In fact, if it does not resolve, it is very difficult for someone to build a life project that they are proud of.


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