Turn Resentment Into Forgiveness

Turn resentment into forgiveness

At some point in our life, there may be times when we cannot tolerate a particular person or thing. We may not support the behavior of one of our friends or relatives.

But, what happens when we no longer support ourselves? When we ask ourselves how we could have behaved like this, how we could accept this job, or how we could eat so much?

Without realizing it, we gradually turn into our own enemy. It is the result of pent-up anger and rage we initially felt towards another person. It is a resentment that poisons us little by little.

When we hold grudges, we are unhappy. We repress an anger that struggles to get out, that wants to express itself and be free forever.

But, we do not realize that we are harming ourselves. We are going to be the receptacles of this bitterness, this discomfort and this permanent anger.

Resentment makes us hostile

Perhaps you have not consciously perceived it, but you have certainly seen people who always wear a mask of anger on their face. And you might have wondered, “But why is this fellow so pissed off? Isn’t it better to do everything to be happy? ”.

Yet this is exactly what we do when we hold a resentment towards someone. We become hostile without knowing it, and it shows in our face.

Person-with-the-face-pissed off

The worst part of all of this is that hostility is only going to bring negative things into our life. Have you ever wondered why nothing good is happening to you lately? Concentrate for a few moments on the way you are acting. You have your answer.

We don’t always realize that hostility is necessarily against our side. In addition to affecting us on a personal basis, it affects our entire environment.

The people we love the most, but also most of our personal relationships are affected by this new way we face our daily lives.

Being hostile doesn’t do any good. Being in a situation of hostility for a long time can cause very real physiological illnesses.

What can we do to stop being hostile? To begin with, we need to start by surrounding ourselves with positive people, who generate sympathy and cause joy.

Sometimes, we dive into hostility because we are surrounded by hostile and malicious people, who undermine our morale, without our realizing it.

Learn to forgive

When we experience so much hostility and resentment, we must learn to forgive. But it’s not just about forgiving others, we also need to forgive ourselves.


As we have already mentioned, if you feel resentful you will no longer be able to support yourself, and your own behaviors will become sources of anger.

Forgiving yourself and forgiving others takes time. It is necessary to eliminate, as a first step, all that can slow down the forgiveness that you seek.

  • The injuries caused to you by others.
  • Resentments that keep you from being happy and forgiving.
  • Selfishness caused by sadness that prevents you from enjoying the power of generosity.
  • Living in the past that keeps you from moving forward.
  • The importance you place on gossip and the things others say about you.

All of these things, and many more, cause you to live in bitterness, and that you cannot forgive yourself or those who have harmed you.

We all make mistakes, and we shouldn’t take responsibility for what others do in us.

Are they hurting you? Tell yourself that this pain, it is you who authorize it, because it is not a physical damage. Don’t you have the power to decide who can hurt you?

Keep in mind that the less you allow others to hurt you, the more you ignore anything that may be said behind your back. Also, the more you live in the present without thinking about the future, the better you will live on a daily basis.

You will be freer, and nothing will be able to reach you. People don’t like you to be indifferent to what they say about you. Live your life, forgive and forgive yourself. Be free and happy.

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