How To Make A Decision That Will Change Your Life?

How to make a decision that will change your life?

In most cases, we are aware that there is something that needs a change in our life. And even sometimes we know what kind of change it is: breaking up a relationship, quitting, or going somewhere. But, we do not find the way which leads us to the objective of this action. Everything is murky and we are indefinitely postponing this decision.

A transcendental decision is essentially made up of two elements. First, you need to identify a serious problem. Then you know that it is necessary to change this situation to overcome the problem. You understand that this is not the time for lukewarm decisions, but that you must take concrete, and often drastic, action.

“In any decision, the best thing you can do is what is right, the second best thing is what is wrong and the worst thing is to do nothing.”

-Theodore Roosevelt-

When it comes to serious problems, we all come to this. Then we distract ourselves with other things and let the time pass “to see what will happen”. And we end up not making the big decision that we know we need to make. Maybe what we need is a method of moving from thought to action, or just accepting that we don’t want to take a drastic turn on this situation.

In this article, we are going to give you some suggestions that may help you in this difficult decision-making process. This is not a method that you have to follow to the letter but a few rules on the steps necessary to take before making a final decision.

Forget the idea that your decision will eliminate all your difficulties

We would all like to find the perfect decision. A decision that would suddenly resolve. Who would solve the inconveniences and who would eradicate them completely. That is, a “strike” type decision like when you go bowling and knock out all the pins at once. But unfortunately, this type of decision does not exist.

Any decision involves one or more losses. We don’t make a decision because it solves everything, but because it leads us to a situation that significantly improves an aspect of life that is important to us. The decision solves a problem that is crucial, but leaves intact the other elements that we need to solve.

The transcendental decision also involves a dose of anti-conformism, suffering or deprivation. This is why we need courage to take it. Think that if you are doing this, it is because the problem you want to solve is having such a negative influence on your life that it makes the sacrifices to overcome it valid.

Identify the risks and dangers involved in the decision

Any transcendental decision also involves a set of risks and sometimes dangers. Before taking the next step, you must try to delimit the ravines into which you can fall. This will not only boost the strength to move forward, but also give more steadfastness and awareness to what we are deciding.

Here it is possible to use the old trick from the list. Take a piece of paper and a pencil and write down all the risks that your decision involves. Be concrete. Try to be as specific as possible. Identify each risk and how it may affect you. Don’t forget anything, even if you think it is a minimal, absurd, and unimportant risk (better to work consciously than unconsciously). When we make a final decision, nothing is unimportant.

Try to do the same with the dangers. The difference between risk and danger is that the former involves relatively minor damage, while the latter involves your health or your life in one way or another. It seems extreme, but for example, for some, breaking up with your partner or changing jobs with lots of debt, are dangers. Hence the relative part of this identification and the role that emotional dependence can play.

Examine your emotions and set a framework for action

Before making an important decision, it is normal to be full of doubts and fears. But the wrong thing is that these fears distort the perspective. Something tells you it’s time to make a change, but another little inner voice is urging you to give up. It is necessary to resolve this contradiction in order to move forward.

It is important to clarify your emotions and feelings about the problem you want to solve through a radical decision. Do you really want to be better, or is it a whim or an overwhelming desire? If you have not made your decision, is it out of prudence, method or fear? If you can find the answers, you’ve already come halfway.

When your emotions are relatively clear, and you are aware of the risks involved in the decision and what you will lose and gain, you are ready to take action. Don’t postpone it. Set a date for yourself to do what you need to do. And do it. Then don’t look behind. It is done.

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