A Good Person Always Has A Touch Of Innocence

A good person always has a touch of innocence

Usually a good person has a touch of innocence. Her looks are magical and her smiles are honest, but her heart, at times, hides secret failures. Wounds killed for having expected too much from people who gave him nothing, and swallowed tears for those who played with his noble, immense, but innocent soul.

In an interesting study carried out at Stanford University in the United States, researchers demonstrated that kindness is seen as a wonderful and exceptional way to connect with others. However, even if it is a very socially valued trait, some see in the right person with this style of character that they can be easily manipulated.

The right person may be a little innocent, but their innocence is a reflection of nobility, not innocence. That’s why, even though she’s the last to give her all in her personal battles, she’s also the first to never return. 

Something curious to take into account is that anyone who always acts with their heart without looking at the price it can cost or expecting anything in return usually does not change, even over time. It is not easy to get away from your essence, because even if the annoyances, disappointments and small betrayals hurt, no one can escape their identity.

Hence the fact that feints, lies or selfishness are useless.


If until recently, to define the right people, we generally spoke of empathy, reciprocity, altruism or respect, today at Stanford University of Psychology, we are told that there is a need to include one more dimension that would actually blend every piece, every nuance and every beat of these noblest souls: compassion.

This psychological construction connects directly with the most intimate of our emotions, and even goes so far as to structure many parts of this social brain where there is a clear concern for others. Compassion is an emotional response that we feel when we perceive the suffering of another and which leads us to develop a real desire to help.

If the right person sometimes shows a subtle but charming patina of innocence, it is not at all out of innocence or because they do not know how to value the risk of this personal investment to the point of giving everything without receiving anything. in return. The “instinct for compassion” is something that is innate in many people, a type of intrinsic motivation that seeks no reward, no benefit.

This innocence is genetic, it is a marvelous character trait that, according to what researchers at the “Max Planck Institute” tell us, babies also exhibit, as do many animals. When a young child, for example , sees another cry and perceives a situation as painful or threatening, his heart rate quickens and his pupils dilate. However, when the other child receives consolation and help, he too calms down.


You could say that we all come into the world with this natural instinct for compassion. Our brain exerts a sophisticated reward mechanism when the suffering of others disappears, and this ultimately guarantees the survival of the species.

However, as one grows up, and perhaps because of the influence of certain contexts, this natural compassion disappears or weakens. So much so that sometimes some people who perceive the compassion of others do not empathize but show irony and contempt.

Life is not going to treat us better just because we are a good person, nor because we act in harmony with our heart or that instinct for compassion built into our brain. Sometimes those who sow kindness do not always earn respect, and this is something that we will have to learn by force, but without ever losing our dignity, or even our essence.

As neuroscientist Jordan Grafman of the National Institute of Health tells us, acting with compassion and altruism brings us exceptional intrinsic benefits, so much so that the brain codifies these acts as something rewarding, something to be rewarded with a good dose of endorphins.

, and more respectful.

Now, if you are a good person, you must be aware that in order to continue to be a beautiful and strong tree, you must nourish your roots every day and, for this, you must practice these simple acts:

  • Listen to your intuition: it is possible that your personality exhibits that wonderful little touch of innocence whereby you can always see the good qualities of others before you see their faults. However, allow your past experiences to put you on alert, listen to your instincts so that a “no” pronounced in time is the best wall to erect to protect your self-esteem.
  • Disappointments should not extinguish the light of your heart, nor tarnish your spontaneous soul, your authentic being. A failure is nothing more than an experience that you have to know how to assume, accept and let go. Continue to be courageous every day of your life, because courage translates into a tendency to cling again to our noble roots in order to continue to grow, without fear and without doubts …

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