Against The Headache, More Water And Less Paracetamol

If you suffer from a headache, make a habit of drinking more water.
Against the headache, more water and less paracetamol

Headache is a problem that we all usually suffer from, even though we don’t do it the same way. Many reasons can be at the origin of this discomfort. Much of the population, however, opts for the solution they consider to be the quickest and easiest: taking medication.

It is nevertheless curious to note that  the first recommended action against the headache when we do not know its origin is often much simpler, cheaper and completely harmless: drink water. It is different when the headache is bloody or has some other medical reason. We don’t lose anything when we try to improve our hydration.

This is because the  symptoms of dehydration include headache. Therefore, taking a tablet of acetaminophen, ibuprofen or another anti-inflammatory does not help. Also, if the headache is due to dehydration and the pain stops while taking the drug, it may be more of the water that comes with it than of the drug itself.

how to best treat a headache


Identify the headache due to dehydration

A headache or headache from dehydration is a secondary headache, caused by a lack of fluid in the body. Headaches from dehydration can be relatively mild, but also severe, like a migraine.

This is so because the body requires the proper balance of fluids and electrolytes to function properly. The body loses water every day in a number of ways, such as sweating and urinating. U n e headache dehydration may therefore occur after sweating when the body loses essential fluids to function properly  after performing the exercise or to have had very hot. It can also happen if we don’t reabsorb fluids.

Most of the time,  the amount of fluid lost is easily balanced by drinking or eating foods rich in water. However, sometimes the body loses water faster than it can absorb.

When the body is dehydrated, the brain can contract or contract temporarily due to the loss of fluid. This mechanism causes the brain to separate from the skull, causing pain and leading to a headache due to dehydration. The brain fills up and returns to its normal state when rehydrated, thus relieving the headache.

Symptoms of headache for dehydration

Headache for dehydration can be experienced as a dull headache or a severe migraine. This pain can occur in the front, back, side, or throughout the head.

Unlike sinus pain (acute sinusitis),  a person who experiences a headache from dehydration is unlikely to experience any pain or pressure in the face. Pain is also unlikely to appear on the back of the neck, as might occur when the headache is caused by tension.

The  symptoms that accompany the headache for dehydration  would be as follows:

  • The thirst
  • Reduced urination.
  • Dark urine.
  • Confusion
  • Dizziness
  • Tired
  • Dry and sticky mouth
  • Loss of elasticity of the skin.
  • Low blood pressure
  • Increased heart rate

Some people experience a headache for dehydration only if they are severely dehydrated. These people may experience some additional symptoms such as, for example, no sweating, fever, sunken eyes or wrinkled skin.

Prevent headache from dehydration

Staying well hydrated is the best way to prevent a headache from dehydration. This preventative measure will help you improve your quality of life if you suffer from frequent headaches. How much water should we drink to stay hydrated? The room temperature, the amount of exercise we do, and our own body weight influence how much fluid we should drink on a daily basis.

A good way to know how much water you need to drink, and remember, is to use a mobile app. There are many, which are also free. Look for one that calculates how much water you should drink based on your weight, your room temperature, and how much physical activity you are doing. By adding the amount of fluid you drink throughout the day, you will see whether or not you are hitting the recommended amount.

drink water to fight headache

When the headache is from another cause

Another common headache is tension type. Particularly due to bad postures or stress. Playing sports regularly and practicing relaxation exercises are two very useful options for prevention or relief. I personally recommend an option that combines both characteristics: yoga.

In any case, if the pain persists, increases, or is very severe, see your  doctor to find the cause of your headache. And remember, whatever the reason for the headache is, the important thing is to get to the root of the problem. Medication usually only alleviates symptoms.


Medicines cover symptoms but do not solve problems
Our thoughts Our thoughts

Problems are inevitable, they are a part of life. They will turn to despair only if you so choose!

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