Can Dreaming A Lot At Night Be Harmful To Our Health?

Dreaming can be a fun or scary experience, but it is a natural experience that the body needs. Find out here whether or not dreaming a lot has a negative impact on health.
Can dreaming a lot at night be harmful to our health?

Considering the differences in each person’s nighttime experiences, it is worth asking whether dreaming a lot can have an impact on our health. Some consider sleeping as a waste of time because they completely disconnect from what is going on until the alarm goes off the next morning. Others, on the other hand, regard each night as an adventure, the dawn bringing the memory of fascinating stories.

It is possible that those who ask themselves this question the most are those who frequently have nightmares. Waking up with a great sense of dread is not at all comforting.

However, even those who have dreams with neutral or positive content often feel that they are not resting properly, as they have spent the night immersed in these dream worlds. But what is true about all of this?

Why do some dream so much more than others?

We usually make a distinction between those who dream a lot and those who rarely have these experiences. However, except for serious pathology,  everyone dreams every night. And not just once, but several. In reality, the difference lies in the ability of each individual to remember these dreams.

Indeed, there are people who are able to recount the content of their nightly dreams every day, and others who hardly ever remember what they dreamed of. If you are wondering why there are such differences, know that there are several reasons.

A sleeping woman.

The moment to wake up after dreaming a lot

This is a crucial element when it comes to being able to remember dreams. Remember that, in humans, each complete sleep cycle lasts about 100 minutes and goes through different phases (drowsiness, light sleep, transition, deep sleep and REM sleep).

So every night we go through about five complete sleep cycles during our rest hours. It is mainly during the REM or paradoxical sleep phase that the most vivid and complex dreams take place.

It is much easier for us to remember what we dreamed of if we wake up during this phase. The further away we get from that moment, the harder it becomes to remember.

The content of the dream

We remember more nightmares and vivid, intense dreams. Usually, they are easily faded from our mind when we have dreams that are “irrelevant” or with little emotional charge. So that when we wake up we don’t remember them.

On the other hand, if they are extravagant, disturbing or distressing, this feeling lasts after waking up. It is then easier for the content of the dream to remain present and accessible to memory.

The link between dreaming a lot and personality

There also seem to be personality differences between those who frequently remember their dreams and those who don’t. The former tend to be more creative individuals  , but also more reflective and prone to introspection. They are in a way people more in contact with themselves and with their unconscious.

Neurobiological characteristics

One of the most interesting findings reveals that there are biological differences between people who remember their dreams and those who don’t. Some studies have shown that those who tend to remember have increased spontaneous activity at the temporo-parietal junction of the brain.

This implies that they produce a greater number of dreams. They are also more likely to remember it when they wake up.

A sleeping man.

Is dreaming a lot at night harmful to our health?

To answer the initial question, we must remember that dream r is a natural and necessary function of the organism. Important processes for organizing information and consolidating memory occur during sleep. Therefore, dreaming is very beneficial.

If you are one of those who usually remembers their dreams, chances are you are spending a good deal of your time in the REM phase and your sleep will be deep and restful. However, feeling like you dream a lot can also indicate that:

  • You wake up frequently throughout the night, which makes it easier for you to remember your dreams but can seriously affect your rest.
  • You regularly have nightmares, which can be a sign of a state of stress or even an anxiety disorder.

In conclusion, dreaming a lot (or remembering dreams often) is not negative unless it affects your quality of life. If you feel that you are not resting well or that the content of your dreams is affecting your mood during the day, it is important that you consult a healthcare professional.

Managing to rule out major disturbances and establishing good sleep hygiene can indeed be necessary and beneficial. Keep this in mind.

The meaning of dreams throughout history
Our thoughts Our thoughts

Throughout history, the meaning of dreams has known great variations. The theories have followed one another. We are talking about it here.

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