Do You Seek Yourself In Whatever Makes You Happy

Do you look for anything that makes you happy?

When you feel lost, when you feel like something is missing and you don’t know what it is, when what normally makes you happy no longer has that effect or you feel lack of vital energy, stop and seek within yourself. The best version of yourself is the one that makes you smile every morning and never makes you lose the pleasure of enjoying life.

Your body and your mind are talking to you, they ask you for a moment to search within yourself. Listen carefully and ask yourself what you want? Sometimes we go on autopilot and we don’t have time to stop to realize what is going on, how we are feeling and to ask ourselves if we are really where we want to be. .

Obligations are necessary on a daily basis, but do we really spend time for ourselves and for what makes us happy? We must find there what makes us smile and motivates us to continue to take advantage of the opportunities that we generate with our actions.

It’s the little things that bring us back to life. A hot shower, a coffee, music on a walk, a beer after work, a good movie or a good book. Tell a joke, kiss, laugh …

If we can be aware of this, we will succeed in stopping and finding ourselves. Removing the autopilot that takes us from one place to another, going from “I owe” to “benefits”. Even if we do the exact same thing.

Look for exceptions, break the rules

Sometimes we live conditioned by standards (too strict, too rigorous) that we impose on ourselves. Standards that make us carry loads that prevent us from taking off and flying. If I wear a heavy backpack, it will be very difficult to feel light, it will be more difficult to move forward calmly and freely, and it will be easier to fall into the temptation of shortcuts that do not suit me.

There are of course exceptions: schedules and obligations that we cannot avoid, but every now and then it is important to take a moment to do nothing, to put aside a small obligation and take some time off. to let go. Gain strength, breathe and come back with a big smile.

Rules and norms are also there to be broken, and especially to adjust them to oneself. I make my plans, but with sufficient flexibility to be able to adapt them to the unforeseen and from time to time, to a whim or a desire. To feel happy and fulfilled, to be myself. I don’t want to go into a mold, I want to make and draw my own.

If something binds me, if something keeps me from being myself, if something keeps me from enjoying, we have to make a change. Maybe we can’t change what’s on the outside, so I’ll have to change the way I look at it. Look for an adjustment that will allow me to free myself and have a more positive outlook.

See challenges and opportunities

A new job, traveling to an unfamiliar city, meeting people from a different culture, visiting new places, signing up for new activities, can be one of the things that makes us jump into the void, but also that make us know a part of us and benefit from it.

The dangers of adventure in an unknown world can put us in a state of vulnerability and that is why we dare not take the plunge. Maybe the path we need to take is the one closed by fear. Behind fears hide great treasures.

How would you act or what decision would you make if you weren’t afraid? This can be a good question to start opening new doors. If you search inside you will be able to find the tools you need, and perhaps an unexplored place that can give you so much more than you think and make you happy.

Seeing challenges, opportunities, occasions where others see traps and adversities is a merit that must be worked on and above all, one that can be taken advantage of. Happiness is found in the little things of everyday life. Becoming aware of this in order to benefit from it is everyone’s job. Sometimes we just need to stop and realize all the wonderful things around us.

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