Don’t Do To Others What You Wouldn’t Like Them To Do To You

Don't do to others what you wouldn't want them to do to you

“Don’t do to others what you wouldn’t like them to do to you” ; this is a phrase that we all know, but that we remember only a few times. It is a profound sentence, the great moral and educational sense of which is lost in our actions.

Sometimes we don’t realize that we are doing something that we used to criticize.

Perhaps this is an innate attitude in human beings. Maybe we are not able to open our eyes to something that we disapprove of, yet end up doing.

Is the human being incoherent?


If you don’t like others to interfere in your life, then why do you allow yourself to interfere in theirs? Here is a very simple example of inconsistency, which is far from being the only one.

We must not forget that the human being is constantly changing. If today something looks right to you, it may not be so tomorrow. You may want to get married today, and not want to be at all in a few years.

This tendency to change is accepted because we evolve, we mature, and we change.  Our experiences mark and change our life. We never stop learning or evolving.

Sometimes we can also have an opinion and at the same time not behave in the direction of this opinion. There is no question of evolution, change or maturity, but it is indeed pure inconsistency.

Human beings are quite capable of being inconsistent. No one denies it, because we are under no obligation. But, think about your emotional stability!


We owe it to ourselves to know who we are and to act accordingly; you can’t think of something to do the opposite afterwards.


If the fact of having relations with incoherent people unsettles you, it is because these latter have the mind invaded by an infinity of vague and intermingled ideas.

Therefore, they are in a very poor position to argue and defend their thoughts or actions.

I don’t want this, and yet I do


Usually inconsistent people do things they wouldn’t like to be done. So how can we function like this? Such behavior is selfish and impossible.

If you don’t want people to lie, but lie yourself, you will inevitably attract a lot of lies to yourself.

Doing things to others that you wouldn’t want them to do to you is bound to backfire on you.

Perhaps by this we do not mean that the negative attracts the negative, and that the positive attracts the positive? Maybe you are not aware of this? Either way, the more positive you are, the better things will turn out for you.

On the other hand, if you are doing to others what you would not like them to do to you, it may be due to a past injury that caused you great pain. But, today, that will change.

  • Don’t lie and don’t allow others to lie to you. Do not accept another’s lie and then get revenge; opt for transparency instead.
  • Don’t hurt others, and don’t let others hurt you. Perhaps you find it a pleasure to hurt them? If you can’t stand them having such an attitude with you, then don’t behave in return.
  • Surround yourself with positive people whose behaviors are totally opposite to yours ; it will help you to stop doing things that you would not like to be done to you. Feed yourself on these good people who do not want to hurt anyone and who act with consistency.
  • Cut ties with those friends who aren’t really friends. This will keep you from suffering and always thinking about how you can get revenge for their bad deeds.
  • Never hate other people, because hating is something that only you allow yourself to do. All that you can get out of hatred will be suffering, when you deserve to be happy.

In life, there are many situations in which we end up doing to others what we would not appreciate if they were doing to us, whether out of revenge or for some other reason.

But, does this behavior really make you happy? If the answer is “no” then you can remedy this problem by walking away!

As we have advocated in this article, connect with positive people who bring good things to your life.


Take care of your emotional balance, know yourself and do not allow your life to be invaded by inconsistency.

Revenge will not solve anything and will not make you happy, on the contrary; if you take revenge, it will eventually backfire on you.

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