Edward Scissorhands, A Story About Acceptance

Edward in the Silver Hands, a story about acceptance

Edward in the Silver Hands , directed by Tim Burton in 1990 and starring the very young Johnny Depp and Winona Ryder, is, for many, the masterpiece of this director. It has an excellent soundtrack, composed by Danny Elfman, which has since served as a benchmark in the field.

The aesthetic of the film Edward in the Silver Hands draws attention right  from the credits  with objects reminiscent of other works by the author, such as  Nightmare before Christmas  (1993). The first images of the film show a dusty but also magical old mansion, warning us by the same that we are entering “the Universe of Tim Burton”.

In the form of a tale, almost a fable, mixing fantasy and everyday life, Burton presents a film filled with emotions and feelings. It brings to life a story in which two messages stand out:  the importance of accepting differences and leaving aside prejudices  .

Edward in the Silver Hands is a very personal, highly autobiographical story, albeit it is presented in a whimsical way. Burton himself often spoke of the problems encountered in his childhood; indeed, he always defined himself as lonely, and even “weird”. Even his ex-wife, Helena Bonham Carter, recognized in him certain characteristics of Asperger’s syndrome.

Edward in the Silver Hands, a story full of contrasts

Burton presents the film as the story that an old woman tells her littledaughter  and, from there, we enter the whimsical. It all starts in a colorful neighborhood filled with gardens and detached houses. We do not find any car, door, or clothing that is black in color. Among all these colors, stands at the bottom and at the top of a hill, an old manor house, practically in ruins; gray and black, the appearance of which is very reminiscent of German expressionist cinema.

The first character we know is Peg, a mother of two, who works for the cosmetics company Avon. In a desperate attempt to sell his wares,  Peg decides to enter the mysterious mansion. Upon arrival, she encounters strange trees that have been sculpted imitating animal and human shapes.

The mansion, which seemed so dark from a distance,  has a totally unexpected beautiful and colorful garden, which serves as a prerequisite for the extraordinary inner world of whoever resides there. Music plays a fundamental role when Peg enters the mansion.

Peg certainly expected to encounter something scary, odd; however,  she finds herself in a magical and wonderful environment, with sculptures full of sensitivity. The mansion is completely neglected inside, filled with dust and cobwebs; some newspaper clippings pasted on a wall are highlighted, clippings on which we can read headlines like “child born without eyes reads with his hands”. Shortly after, we meet Edward, the strange resident, who has an unexpected peculiarity in that, instead of hands, he has scissors.

Edward Scissorhands

Contact with the world and social relations

From the start, Edward exhibits extreme innocence. He does this when he refers to his father as saying that he “did not wake up”, thus clearly alluding to his ignorance of the world, of life and death. Peg, fascinated by the scars caused by the scissors, decides to try his cosmetics on him and invites him to her home.

From this moment on, we will observe  all of Edward’s difficulties in living in society, in distinguishing right from wrong, the profound rejection he was initially subjected to on the part of his neighbors, and their fascination when they discovered that they can benefit from his skills as a gardener and hairdresser. The neighbors represent the unhealthy side of being human, staging a collective thought, and are a faithful reflection of how that idea changes with the circumstances, so their opinion of Edward is by no means personal, but collective.

Burton shows us  how difficult it is to be accepted when we are different from others. Edward arouses curiosity in some, fear in others. We can observe how the neighbors dedicate themselves to commenting on everything that is happening in the neighborhood, to spread rumors, to criticize Peg and her strange tenant.

Edward fits in very well with Peg’s family, establishing a very good relationship with his young son and her husband. However,  when he meets Kim, their teenage daughter, some feelings wake up in Edward, but he is unable to express them. The relationship with Kim is difficult at first because of Kim’s prejudices, but over time she will see in Edward the person he really is and the big heart he has.

Edward begins to arouse admiration among neighbors for his qualities as a hairdresser and gardener, his popularity increases, so much so that he is offered to create a beauty salon. Edward and Peg attend as guests on a TV show where they explain Edward’s case, and the audience comments and questions. It is curious to note at this moment that  when the different becomes an attraction, it generates fascination. Edward is no different, he is special.


Edward Scissorhands

What is ‘different’ scares you

The conflicts reappear when Edward agrees to help Kim and her boyfriend to commit a criminal act: from this moment we return to the denial of what is different. Society begins to perceive him as a monster, as someone who must be eliminated because he is dangerous. The neighbors who admired his talent so much are now afraid, make up stories and want to see him dead.

Tim Burton gives a little wink that should be emphasized. This is a scene where Edward is chased by the neighborhood, he is alone, everyone wants to see him dead … But a dog sits next to him, Edward then cuts his bangs so that the animal can see better and the latter shows him his gratitude. This little moment is truly magical. Burton shows us here how  prejudice is unknown to animals, which can sometimes be more understanding than many people.

Burton presents  a character devoid of wickedness, with social issues regarding having lived in isolation for too long due to his particular condition. Few would see Edward as a good and innocent man. The mansion is a reflection of this personality, with large, imposing and dark gates that serve as a shield to protect this magical garden full of sensitivity.

We’ve heard a lot about Burton and his possible Asperger Syndrome, and it’s hard to know for sure what the director’s childhood and life was like. We can appreciate some characteristics of this syndrome in Edward’s character, however, such as his awkwardness with his hands, his adjustment issues, and his deep inner world. Undoubtedly, Edward  Scissorhands offers us a wonderful lesson in acceptance, teaches us not to be afraid of other sensibilities and to look deeper into people.


To accept is not to conform
Our thoughts Our thoughts

Learn to accept that the world isn’t always the way we want it to be, and that the people around you don’t necessarily act on their own …

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