Emotions That Damage The Heart

Emotions that damage the heart

The heart unites all aspects of the person, since it is the organ through which love is channeled, through which we understand the incomprehensible and forgive the unforgivable.

Any change triggers primitive behaviors and if these changes are large, they can last long enough, changing the personality to the point of changing the way we make decisions and act on an emotional level.

In addition, our heart is the center from which emanate the most authentic and powerful emotions, the same ones which, if poorly regulated, can cause irreversible damage such as heart disease.

When basic emotions are out of balance, and fear or sadness is very present, repeated repression impacts the expressive needs of that organ, generating emotional overload.

Problems with the heart manifest as arrhythmias, palpitations, heart attacks, weak pulse, blood pressure and tension in the chest.

Sometimes ailments do not enter through the body but through the heart.

What is the connection between the heart and the emotions?

Scientific studies have shown that communication between the brain and the heart takes place through two routes.

In other words, the heart sends signals to the brain just like the brain sends signals to the heart. As a result, if the heart beats in a consistent (unstressed) manner, it sends signals to the brain to remove stress through a physiological process of reducing stress hormones and increasing positive hormones.


The heart rate is a true reflection of our emotional state. The emotional regulation of a person is reflected in their heartbeat which in turn has an impact on the rest of the body.

The body interprets its beats in relation to the physiological emotional state in which we find ourselves, whether it is negative emotional states, stressed, tense, of fear or positive emotional states, happy, quiet, at peace, calm etc.

The psychological change that occurs with the change in how the heart works is said to be related to interoceptive consciousness, that is, how our brain interprets information about its own state at that time.

Emotions are neither in the brain nor in the heart, they are interconnected.

How do emotions affect the heart?

Heart problems are, to some extent, due to emotional imbalances, manifested in nervousness, anxiety, problems controlling other emotions.

At the psychological level, in manic-depressive behaviors, hysteria, excessive or inappropriate laughter, sadness, vulnerability, lack of will, hypersensitivity, insomnia. At the mental level, in weakness and memory loss.

All of these emotional imbalances can cause great damage to the heart, to the point that a deficit in emotional control can cause problems in the upper abdomen, weakness, heat, fatigue, a tense body, depression, pain. headache, cold extremities, shoulder pain, nausea and / or excessive sweating.


These symptoms, caused by the lack of emotional control, are those that cause heart problems such as arrhythmias, palpitations, heart attacks, weak pulse, blood pressure and tension in the chest.

Awareness of these symptoms, along with clarity of purpose, can let us know if we are in harmony with our thoughts, feelings, and actions.

This awareness comes from the rationalization of a clear and direct vision, which emanates from what our heart wants to tell us, both physiologically and emotionally.

Controlling negative emotional states and fostering positive states is the first goal on the journey of personal transformation and healing that will help us maintain good emotional and heart health.

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