Grandparents Who Take Care Of Their Grandchildren Leave A Mark In Their Soul

Grandparents who take care of their grandchildren leave a mark in their soul

Some people are essential in our lives, they represent our feelings and emotions in their greatest intensity.

Grandparents are one of those unique, touching and unforgettable people.

They symbolize these glances of complicity, this permissive and understanding game of disproportionate consent which tenses up parents.

They are our memories full of benevolence and tenderness, stories full of unexpected turns, of white knights who float in the air and whose eyes shine with the glow of the sun, facing a path feeling the warmth of those hands that are not that love and understanding.


Their greatest and greatest gift: the roots that leave an indelible emotional trace in the hearts of their grandchildren with their scent of shared secrets, small details, dedication, respect and unconditionality.


Grandparents have a doctorate in love

The educational style of grandparents is full of benefits for the child. Why ? Because the grandparents who take care of their children pass on many lessons to them, such as:

  • Activities like walking, gardening, cooking, etc.
  • Traditions and family histories: children are amazed to know that their parents were once children too.
  • Songs, games and tales of yesteryear that are full of beauty and lessons.

On the other hand, which it is extremely positive that children imbibe. Indeed, generally, grandparents tend to:

  • Be more patient and less stressed on a daily basis, which allows them to be more affectionate with the child, and to constantly show him an emotional interest through empathic listening.
  • Make emotional communication a basic fold, which makes grandchildren feel better understood by their grandparents than by their parents.
  • Correct with their grandchildren the mistakes they may have made with their children and, consequently, renew the parents’ vision on certain aspects.
  • Be much less critical and focus more on the positive things than the negative things, thus emphasizing the child’s strengths rather than his weaknesses.
  • Help their grandchildren to be independent from their parents, but also to socialize with people of all ages.
  • Often become advocates for their grandchildren, thus serving as a bridge to validate feelings and other complications that are an obstacle to living together and to communication between parents and children.
  • To be an essential emotional support for their grandchildren in a situation of crisis and family detachment such as separation.

But beware, grandparents are not the only ones to leave traces in the heart; grandchildren also bring vitality, joy and support to their grandparents in immeasurable ways.

By caring for their grandchildren, grandparents rediscover the world through the prism of constant amazement, innocence, and the most unconditional love.


Sometimes parents can feel like grandparents are taking their place by giving children everything they want without ever blaming them.

But this impression is false, because everyone has their place, everyone has their role in the life of a child.


It is amazing how much love grandparents give their grandchildren by giving them treats, giving them pocket money on the sly, giving them nice gifts, cooking their meals for them. favorites, by preparing 4 different menus for 4 different children, or even by giving them winks full of complicity.


One could then believe that under such conditions, if children love their grandparents, it is for what they give them and not for what they are, but this is not the case; grandchildren love to spend evenings with their grandparents.

And this among other things because these evenings are placed under the sign of love, attention and affection.

The fact that their grandparents remember every detail makes childhood a unique and special moment. And, because they are kings who will never be dethroned.

The love of grandparents for their grandchildren is so immense that they cannot help but demonstrate it to them in every way possible.

With the kitchen, the gifts, the sweets, the presence, the kisses, the small bags full to not deprive them of anything, and with an attention that detaches the home from all the other places.


Children perceive this overflowing generosity as a tenderness so excessive that it dazzles them.

And when the grandparents are gone, it’s not the chocolates that the kids regret, but what they mean : talking with their grandparents and hearing their words of encouragement, love and wisdom.

Ultimately, grandparents are their grandchildren’s biggest fans, and the ones who strengthen their perseverance, talent, determination and success the most.

No one other than grandparents perceives their grandchildren’s determined attitude, their favorite songs and their shining eyes imbued with passion so well.


No one can look at small children with as much fondness as their grandparents who take care of them, just as no one will ever be able to marvel as much as they do at the time that passes like a trace that takes shape small. little by little.



That is why the attention of grandparents reflects a pure love full of joys and purpose.

A tenderness which forms children, which protects them in a unique way, which is not always understandable, and which is quite indescribable.

This is the reason why grandparents who take care of their grandchildren leave an indelible mark on their soul, a great emotional legacy.

Because all these whims and these gifts, all these times when they run too fast to calm the sorrow of their grandchildren make that the development of the latter is marked by a full love and, of course, pure and unconditional.

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