How To Face Our Fear Of Flying

How to face our fear of flying

Our hands are sweating profusely… Our breathing is choppy… Our teeth are chattering… Images of air accidents keep crossing our minds… It’s impossible: even if we want to,  we cannot organize a trip that involves going up in a plane because flying terrifies us.

We lose the opportunity to discover wonderful places, to visit friends or relatives who live far away or simply to accompany our other half in the dream of their life: entering the pyramids of Egypt, dancing the Hula in Hawaii or see kangaroos in Australia.

Did you know that the phobia or fear of flying is very common? It seems that 1 in 4 people suffer from it. Yes, a quarter of the population. And you are part of this group! Fear # 1 is that the plane will fall. Second, this is because we are naturally earthly beings and don’t really trust anything in the air or on the water.

It doesn’t matter how many times your loved ones tell youyou are less likely to die from a plane crash than from a car crash ” or ” modern airplanes are the safest form of transportation  “. All of those phrases that sound like they came out of a phobic relief manual don’t make sense to you.

Like any phobia,  the fear of flying is linked to emotions, past experiences or even just having seen a movie in which the plane crashes. Worst of all is those around you who aren’t afraid to steal don’t understand you. They think you are overdoing or disliking the opportunity to go to New York, Rio de Janeiro or Hong Kong because of a few hours on the plane.

Flying is the only way to eliminate phobia

We can consult a psychologist, take an aerial mechanics course to understand every noise or movement of the plane or even use a flight simulator… But nothing will take away this fear except… Flying!

It’s understandable that you are afraid just thinking about flying. What’s more, as you read this article, you probably have your knees shaking, you start to sweat, and your heart is beating faster and faster. But instead of suffering every time someone says they’re going on a trip halfway around the world, or that you put off that vacation you crave in a distant place,  it’s important that you you were taking a deep breath and starting treatment.

Take courses offered by airlines. Many offer a program to assist passengers with a phobia of flying. It starts with a personal interview and continues with a theory course with pilots and mechanics to answer all your questions. Finally, a session is carried out in a flight simulator with all the situations you might face (landing and take-off, turbulence, technical problems, etc.).

Meditate or practice relaxation. This will help reduce your stress and anxiety when you think about theft. Practice these techniques several days before planning the trip, until they become automatic.

Avoid taking medication. Many people who are afraid of flying decide to take a pill (mostly anti-anxiety drugs) or to drink alcohol when it comes time to fly. In the first case, the fear does not go away, we just go through the situation with more calm. The second is not recommended because it increases sensations and causes stomach discomfort, headaches, etc. In addition, the pulse control is weaker.

What to do on day “V” (of the flight)?

You’ve built up courage (or at least that’s what you think) and accepted your husband’s proposal to finally go to Macchu Pichu or ride a camel in the desert. Congratulation ! While you were planning your trip, packing the suitcases and entrusting the life of your plants to a neighbor, panic did not arise.

All that changes when you get to the airport and start checking in… Unpleasant sensations start to appear. You are about to run from the terminal, and it doesn’t matter if your companion is traveling alone. Relax. You can overcome your fear. How? ‘Or’ What ? With these tips:

  • Avoid choosing the seats on the window side:   you will not be at ease when taking off and the fact that you only see clouds if you are traveling during the day will stress you out. It is best that you choose the seats next to the wings because that is where you will feel the least movement of the plane.
  • Observe the flight attendants: they are likely to be laughing, quiet and confident. You will see that there is nothing to worry about. We advise you to warn the hostess / steward of your fear as they will pay more attention to you and help you in the most critical moments.
  • Breathe deeply:  close your eyes if necessary. Remember that turbulence is a change in the speed of air masses and does not affect the safety of the aircraft.
  • Consider bringing hobbies: What do you think of a book by your favorite writer, a magazine or a movie you love? You can also think of whatever to expect once you land.
  • Put on light clothing: you are likely to be sweating and embarrassed, hot and wanting to feel as little “locked up” as possible. Clothing should be comfortable.

Finally,  try to fly accompanied, if possible by a person who has already taken the plane. She will convey her tranquility to you and you can grab her hand when you are afraid.

If you liked this article, we recommend another one that talks about the 8 strangest phobias that exist. Did you know them?

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