I Like People Who Accept Others As They Are

I like people who accept others for who they are

I like people who accept others for who they are, who don’t judge or criticize.

I love them because they know their limits and know that it’s not just gold that shines, that there is always something inside a person that deserves a smile.

It’s the only thing that really makes sense in a world of imperfections.

We all deserve affection and acceptance. Putting this mindset into practice makes us better people, not just in the eyes of others, but also in ourselves.

Our ability to relate to the world around us is linked to our inner dialogue.

That is, if we try to understand the transcendence of behaviors that are external to us, and we seek to rationalize them and look for positive aspects, our life will suddenly be flooded with light.


Break with the idea of ​​toxic people

More and more voices are raised against the use of the qualifier “toxic” for people who bring us bad influence.

While this is a way of speaking that is clear, easy to understand, and universal, we still need to ponder how we categorize those around us.

In this sense, we have to think that there are no toxic people, but only human beings with problems .

These problems can affect us, but calling someone “toxic” may be an act of creating yet another problem in their existence and in the way we coexist with them.

The first person who is affected by the idea of ​​toxic people is the one who uses it.

Indeed, a toxic person can be ourselves, our family members, our parents, our children or our friends.

Moreover, the one who rejects toxic people does not accept others as they are.

The “toxic / non-toxic” duality can be dangerous, in the sense that it defines a clear line between the executioners and the victims.

It can prevent us from relating in a responsible, firm and compassionate manner with those around us.

To put it in a more metaphorical way, we’re going to crash against the same emotional walls that we’re trying to dodge.


We all have internal conflicts and a dark side, we are all people

People are not acceptable or unacceptable. We are all human beings who have their own complexity.

We are all acceptable as long as we strive to cultivate our qualities instead of focusing on our failures.

Instead of criminalizing other people’s problems or our own, we must learn to detect conflicts that may arise between different people and to act in the most appropriate way.

The one who accepts others as they are is able to understand what is going on in each person, he shows empathy and reaches out to his neighbor, instead of taking refuge in an attitude of victimhood, aggressively or defensively.


We all know what it is to feel longing and how destructive that feeling can be.

Who has never compared himself to others or has not rejoiced, at some point in their life, in their failures?

It is human to feel such things and to experience feelings contrary to our own values.

Envy can make us lose our sanity, which can lead to great suffering. Being aware of this can enable us to help those who are stuck in this situation.

We don’t all feel envy, we’re not all manipulative, and we don’t always lie.

But we are all “toxic people” from time to time, sporadically.

We criticize everyone else, we act in self-interested ways, and we sometimes behave in self-centered and victimizing ways.

We don’t like people who don’t help or accept others.

Why should we be the only ones doing it? With this kind of reasoning, we gradually become what we denounce. What an irony!


Protect yourself if you need to, but don’t run away from people who are in trouble or have shown you their darkest faces. 

Accept others for who they are and try to help them resolve their suffering without criticizing or judging them.

If you don’t, you become exactly the person you are yelling at.

Be aware that we all have a dark side, accept it and let the darkness that can sometimes characterize us vanish.

It is only then that you will be able to contemplate the beauty of all that surrounds us.

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