In Life, I Don’t Need Much, But That Little Should Fill The Soul

In life, a little is enough for me, but this little must fill the soul

Sometimes it doesn’t take much to be happy. But, this little does not mean crumbs, nor the leftovers that others leave to fuel a self-interested love. This little must fill our soul, it must make us worthy as persons and thus, we must never be satisfied with the broken pieces that others offer us as if they were royal palaces. We know that today, approaches halfway between positive psychology and spirituality are in full swing, and show the need to learn to value the little things or to be happy with little, with the most basic. . Ideas like “happiness is realizing that nothing is too important.” can undoubtedly confuse us a little bit.

“The minute you are satisfied with less than what you deserve, you get even less than what you are satisfied with.”

-Mauren Dowd-

Everything has nuances and in this type of statement, the nuances are great. First of all, you should know that it is not a good idea to be satisfied with less than what you deserve. Sometimes convincing ourselves that “the minimum is sufficient” can lead us to sink into wasteland. There are those who tell themselves that the earth is good, and that sooner or later seeds will sprout, from which spectacular flowers will emerge.

However, our life often turns into an anteroom of dreams that never happen, goals that never come true, flowers that never bloom. To be satisfied with little is not to live on crumbs, and happiness will never mean “ convincing oneself that nothing is too important”. In fact, it is quite the opposite: we know what is really important.

We suggest that you think about it in this article.

Meanings and life goals

Mental health professionals complain very often that current models aim to treat depression, and do not always give the desired results. Programs fail, and often the approach of mixing pharmacology and psychotherapy provides improvement that is often temporary.

Doctor Eric Maisel, psychotherapist and author of a long list of books on depression and emotions, talks about the need to reformulate certain aspects. Psychiatrists today continue to focus almost exclusively on analyzing the patient’s symptoms, without investing time and resources in finding the real root of the problem.

They prescribe antidepressants like bandages for the pain of life. Yet it would take more, more approaches and fewer labels to treat all people the same.

According to Maisel, what we suffer most today is a deep and devastating existential anguish. We have forgotten our life goals, to the point of not adding value to our emotions, thoughts or decisions. Our daily life is like a setting inhabited by fog, where nothing has any real meaning.

We could almost safely say that we have grown used to living on much less than we deserve. Because it’s not about being happy with little, it’s about knowing what our priorities are, what our life goals are, what our values ​​are, and then we can learn. to harmonize our inner music. Without noise from the entourage, without artifice.

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The little, if it is good, weighs less

Consider for a moment a person trying to cross a river with a backpack on their back. The sun is intense, harsh and sometimes blind. We don’t really know where we want to go, we just feel that we have to cross this river, no matter what … Even if the backpack we load on our back is too heavy and the ‘we can hardly move forward. Something has to be done.

“The greatest temptation of humans is to be satisfied with very little.”

-Thomas Merton-

Our protagonist is forced to stop and make decisions. He takes off his backpack and opens it: there are stones, a lot of stones, some very big, others smaller. The most voluminous are the most beautiful and the most spectacular: they represent his values, his needs, his virtues, the things that he loves the most and which identify him.

The small stones refer to the needs of others, to the concerns that others put on him, to criticisms, to falsehoods, to obligations to please, to satisfy others, to be as they want them to be. It is necessary to make a sharp decision, and our protagonist does it: he chooses to remove all those annoying little stones from his backpack.

When he does, when he takes them out one by one, he realizes something astonishing: they are in the thousands and they are three times the weight of his biggest stones, his favorite. When they are done and put their bag back on their backs, they are surprised at how light it is. When they start to walk again, the path is clearer. He feels strong, he sees himself as courageous and with more will to cross this river.

The stones he wears on his back are very few, they are large, no doubt, but their beauty is such that they inspire him every day with their shapes and shine. Little by little, and thanks to their wonderful influence, he remembers his path and his destiny. And he will no longer hesitate to accomplish it.

Start doing this too. Lighten your weight and keep only what is really meaningful and rewarding.

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