Just For Today, Let It All Flow And Nothing Get To You

Just for today let it all flow and nothing get to you

Just for today, let it all flow and nothing get to you. 

Just for today, do not let adversity become that weight capable of burying you, frustrating your hopes and your zest for life.

Just for today, free yourself from what hits you by dark winds, detach yourself from what erases your smile and simply move forward …

We should take these first simple steps not just today, but every day.

Because every morning, when we get ready to start a new day, we face new goals and so many challenges that, for a moment, can make us forget to be happy.

One of the greatest representatives of flow  theories is undoubtedly the psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.

As the famous author of  Living: The Psychology of Happiness  explains , we waste too much psychic energy in unimportant stimulation.

We live in a society so overloaded with information that our whole being is outwardly focused.

We have lost this wonderful bond with ourselves, with which to move forward simply along the “waves of life”, in freedom, in happiness… We invite you to reflect on this.


Let everything flow, let nothing hold me prisoner

We are all, in one way or another, prisoners of something or someone. 

We are touched by the words of this fatalistic colleague, what our spouse expects from us influences us, we are worried when the end of the day arrives and that we have not achieved certain goals  that we had yet set for ourselves. -same

We are so caught up in the jungle of influences and demands of ourselves that we let much of our life energy go up in smoke, as if it were vanishing out the window.

Much more than that, an interesting study carried out at Harvard University concluded that one of the main causes of unhappiness is that we allow an “erratic mind” to run wild. 

We spend a lot of our time worrying about things that are a thing of the past or, worse yet, that hasn’t happened yet.

It is another form of “imprisonment”. According to the author of this study, Dr. Daniel T. Gilbert, a wandering spirit is an unhappy spirit.

The moment our brain leaves the present, we stop enjoying happiness. We stop moving forward in accordance with ourselves.


Instead of remaining prisoners of this erratic mind influenced by outside noise, by the expectations of others, by the misunderstandings of yesterday and the fears of tomorrow, it is the moment to “weigh anchor” and let everything go. sink and nothing will reach you …

“To flow” so that happiness flows

As Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi explains to us, happiness is not something that arises or happens like the light of a lighthouse that lights up to guide boats.

Most of the time, it does not depend on external phenomena, but on our internal capacity to create an authentic quality of life. From our own “magic” or ability to turn on the light of our inner lighthouse.


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