My Dreams Are Ageless

My dreams have no age

I no longer measure my dreams by my age.

By measuring things according to my age, I found myself in places too arid for my sensitivity and I crossed at full speed fields filled with learning fruits that I could have enjoyed if I had taken the time to stop there.

I arrived in deserted stations where there was no train ready to leave. There was nothing for me there.

Acting on my age, I plunged into a rough, linear despair of events that I didn’t even want to go through because I wasn’t prepared for it.

By acting on my age, I let passions I thought were fortuitous, believing they were spreading and contracting according to my future desires.

I left out lessons that would have served me for a lifetime by withdrawing from certain experiences only out of guilt of living in a time that I saw as bad.

My dreams have no age

I thought the lessons came through the steps, not the experiences. But today I learned that my dreams have no age, only desire matters.

I desire consistency, gratitude, hope and determination. Today, I am aware that it is I who roll the dice.

I will remain firm and sure, just like my present attitude towards the dream towards which I wish to go. I’m not afraid to keep playing dreaming, because I take it more seriously than an imposed obligation.


My dreams cannot be measured

My dreams have no age, but the desire to be realized. Something that cannot be measured on an ID card, on a CV or on a development scale.

My dreams are measured by the desire to tell the rest of the world that it doesn’t matter to me that my dreams do not correspond to my year of birth.

My dreams are measured by the feeling of emptiness of having forced myself before and by the anguish that it will start again.

I renounce the traditions that I don’t like, the subtle obligations that I really hate.

I welcome them with open arms when they are pleasant, because the most important thing is my happiness. That of my soul.

My dreams are not in the air, they levitate for my enjoyment

My dreams do not have unreliable bases because I dreamed them more than lived in tangible reality.

I carried out a mental training of the enjoyment of my dreams without them even being present in my life because I am a hedonist, I like to take advantage of the pleasures of the life that the imagination can bring to me.

My soul is so unkind to me that when it shows me a wonderful path in my neural circuits, I feed them so that they don’t stop throwing sparks, so I stay happy and hopeful.

This is a survival strategy that is not a matter of ingenuity, but of maturity so as not to embitter your life even for a tiny moment in your day.

My dreams will never hurt, but they may make people envious

I don’t know why other people’s dreams are so upsetting and they want you to get off your cloud when everything is wonderful.

I am determined to achieve my dreams, but I don’t want to stop enjoying their steps.

I am convinced that just as we should enjoy the innocence of our childhood, we should savor the taste of the dream that surrounds our life, without rushing.

However, beware of people who have no aspirations or hope, as they will wear you down until you feel the blow of harsh reality, falling so hard that only the bills, the screams and the days of routine and sadness will seem to exist.

I want to accommodate them with a little something extra, it’s a privilege of my mind and no one can take it away from me.

It’s not that I didn’t fight for my dreams, but I refuse that it was just a fight

I don’t want my dream to become my nightmare. For that, you have to control the moments, those relating to my maturity and to the way in which the world matures with me. It is important to get there, but never by moving forward.

Because it is not your dream, it is your ego asking this of you, preventing you from reaching your dream as you desire.

Not a day passes in the life of a person who really wants to achieve something without doubts: uncertainty, disappointment, sadness.

However, emptiness appears when you give up the struggle while you still have strength.

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Society takes away our dreams, I don’t accept it

Society does not like people with dreams that are different from the ones it is trying to impose, and it sometimes uses age as a method to deter you and make you abandon the path.

However, in reality, the poorest age is the one that lacks self-knowledge. At 16 you can feel an existential emptiness and at 63 lead a life where this emptiness has no place.

So, don’t listen to people who tell you that you won’t be able to do it because of your age.

Prove that people are not layered into steps, but into desires that make some people like us more than others, depending on whether or not you are prepared for them.

If you do what you want, these people will have no more arguments and you will stay with the sufficient people.

If you give up, you will give strength to their arguments so that they continue to destroy genuine dreams. They are victims of reality, they do not know how to live, nor to dream …

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