Rediscover Your Joie De Vivre

Rediscover your joy of living

This article is intended for all those who have lost all notion of joy. We have all already met at least one person who claims to have lost all hope, that nothing makes them happy anymore, whose life is totally devoid of pleasures, and who gradually sinks into despair.

This psychological state is the result of different experiences, but more often it is  an accumulation of problems in several facets of life. 

When we are faced with a problem in one area, we retain our zest for life if other areas of our life are going well.

In general, in order to feel happy, people need things to be going well in different areas:

– Lover  (partner who fills us at all levels)
– Friendship  (true friendships with which we feel good)
– Professional  (a job that we like, and which brings us a salary that allows us to be independent)
– Family  ( get along well with our family, feel loved and accepted)
– Hobbies  (having hobbies and doing activities that make us happy)

Imagine a person who feels good about all of these facets of life, and suddenly one of them is causing him problems, such as losing his job.

Sadness will only last a short time, she will be able to get up quickly, as she can hold on to other areas that are going well, for example, to her loving partner or supporting family.

Problems arise when almost all of these aspects start to falter:  we lose our jobs, our spouse leaves us or the relationship does not go as well as before, we no longer see our friends, we get along with each other. less and less well with our family, and we do not have as much fun as before, because we are demoralized.

When all this happens to us, we may lose all our joy, because we have nothing more to hold on to, and every human being needs something in his life that gives him happiness, of some kind. motivation to get up in the morning.

If you feel that your life is meaningless, that nothing is worth it anymore, that you wake up in the morning and you can not find any reason to rejoice, because everything is wrong, here are some tips you can apply .

First of all, accept the situation you find yourself in, and  the emptiness and sadness that you feel.

Accept does not mean to fight against, but to move forward even if the discomfort weighs on you, by telling yourself that this situation is temporary, and that as soon as things get better in the aspects that are going badly at the moment , you will find your joy of living.

Ideas to rediscover your joie de vivre

It is important to know where you want to go. If everything is going wrong in your life, and you focus on everything at the same time, you’ll want to throw in the towel, because your thoughts will be so messy that you won’t know where to start.

Likewise, when you have a lot to do, if you start to think about the multitude of things you have to do, you won’t feel like doing anything. You have to go step by step, and not let your mind mix up all the problems.

Just think of one thing you want. Wanting too many things at once can cause your attention to go all over the place and end up getting nowhere.

It is not necessary to climb the stairs two by two. If things go wrong, accept the situation, and be aware that human beings have a creative mind and can achieve their goals, but little by little.

Think about all of those things that are not going so well, and listen to your inner voice. What situation do you want to remedy in the short term? What will put a smile on your face?

The answers to these questions are in your heart, not in your head. Each person is a world and the means to rediscover the joy of living are specific to each one. The priority of one may be to have good friends with whom she can share her passions, while another would prefer to find the ideal partner, etc.

Listen to that little voice inside of you, and try to find what will make you feel happy. Once you know which direction to go, you will begin to feel the motivation to get what you want.

Stop positioning yourself as a victim

If you adopt the attitude of the victim, if you think that nothing is worth the trouble any more, that you are good for nothing, forget this type of behavior now.

If you want to go ahead, putting yourself as a victim will get you nowhere. The people who manage to get up after falling are the ones who believe in themselves.

Action and perseverance

You won’t get anything by staying inactive, so if you already know what will make you smile again, start thinking about the actions you need to take to get there.

You don’t have to do a lot if you’re really unmotivated, but if you take even one step, you’ll find the rest will follow.

Our demands are the biggest problem when it comes to taking any action. We want to have it all right away and effortlessly, but if you don’t put your efforts into it, you won’t get anywhere.

In addition, you can sign up for new activities to meet new people, as just opening up to others will  go a long way in helping you break out of negativity.

Happiness is on your way

Getting what we want is important, but the most important thing is to enjoy the moment, especially if we are going through a difficult time. If you take the path to your dreams, you will find that you will be more and more motivated.

Enjoy everything around you, and stick to the simple things. Relearning to appreciate the little things is what helps the most to come out of a state of pessimism and sadness. Indeed, most people no longer appreciate what they have, and no longer see the great power that is within their grasp.

If we did not have the capacity to think, there would be no room for sadness. Our mind would not focus on the problems, but would enjoy the world around us, as if every day was our last day.

Try to keep a calm mind, and take advantage of what is around you. All roads are strewn with good things, but if you close your eyes you will not see them.

Keep moving forward, and allow yourself to feel what you are feeling. This way you will find new things that will make you happy and wake up your soul.

Fill your life with catchy music

Music is a source of motivation. Even if you don’t want to, put on some upbeat music that sends positive messages. A drop of water that will gradually fill your inner void.

When the mind receives motivating waves, it activates, and synchronizes the heart to the rhythm of the musical notes, which will make you want to do things with more zest.


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