Seduction: An Endangered Habit Which Nevertheless Has Positive Aspects

Seduction: an endangered habit which nevertheless has positive aspects

If there is one thing that has changed drastically in the past few years, it’s the way you start dating. Seduction (or “drag”), for example, is either an endangered species or a species that in some cases has already become extinct. The culture of excessive speed has invaded the most unsuspected areas and, among them, that of love.

The  “fast seduction” is precisely one of the characteristics that defines today many relationships in the world. It seems that the process of seduction is no longer necessary. And yet there are many couples who come up against a lack of emotion and magic. In other words, romanticism.

“Love doesn’t need to be understood: it just needs to be demonstrated”.

-Paulo Coelho-

Seduction is not exclusive to human beings. The majority of animal species have rituals to seduce each other. Even if animals, because of their instinct, unite mainly to mate and have offspring, they do not perform this act without preamble. The function of this seduction process is to communicate, synchronize, and biologically set the stage for fertility to be at its highest level.

In humans, on the other hand, this process has lost a lot of prestige. It is considered a superfluous ornament. The instruction is: “let’s go”. There is no love conquest in the strict sense but only a few crossed signs that lead to a relationship whose fate is almost always fleeting. Very often, the two people are not even sure if they like each other. What are these gestures of seduction that are now on the verge of disappearing? We show you some of them.

Flowers, a great classic

Flowers represent a universal language and are an integral part of the process of seduction. When a person receives flowers as a gift, without there being a special celebration or commemoration, they also receive a direct love message. Flowers are fun and are an elegant way to express interest.

Giving flowers takes courage these days. For many, this is a cutesy symbol that could even lead to rejection. A rejection in appearance, perhaps, because you can hardly take a dim view of such a lovely gift. Flowers require courage because they also mark a turning pointby offering them, one openly shows a love interest in the other and they therefore represent a mark of vulnerability.

Cell phones are not romantic

There is such a great fear of rejection that many people look for excuses to directly show their interest in someone. Cell phones thus become like a ring on the finger. They help maintain intermittent attention. If all goes well, we ignore the device. If there is any tension or if the matter does not progress, we keep our eyes on the phone constantly to avoid the situation.

Turning off your phone and putting it away can be a nice gesture of seduction. This means that you are fixing all of your interest and all of your attention on the person in front of you. It also means that you don’t hide and know what you want. When you want to win over someone, there is nothing better than showing them that they are important to you.

What are we for each other?

Currently, it is very common for two people in a romantic relationship to not even know what kind of bond is between them. It is assumed that everything has to flow and that giving a name to this link, in some way, limits the possibilities or means that there is a commitment. However, leaving an “open” meaning to the relationship is not a good idea: there is no better ground for misunderstandings.

Just because you show a vested interest in someone doesn’t mean you are going to destroy the other’s expectations. Or that you will experience a moment like in the film “Fatal Liaison”. On the contrary,  defining the relationship well clearly helps to ensure that there are no grounds for anxiety or mistaken assumptions. Expressing what you expect from a relationship is a way of giving confidence to the other and allows you to live it more spontaneously.

The pretty words

A “I like you” doesn’t always express what you feel or want. It also doesn’t say too much to the person listening to it. This is one of those standardized phrases that sums up the idea that you want a relationship with the other person but doesn’t make more sense than that.

Beautiful words with meaning will never go out of fashion. Many people sincerely admire the one in front of them, but never tell her. Perhaps because they are not used to expressing themselves, because they are afraid to do too much, or because the other assumes a position of power. This fear shouldn’t exist. During the seduction phase, flattering words should be a constant. They nurture a relationship and add magic to it.

Seduction is important because it gives a special atmosphere to a relationship. This is a first approach that makes it more magical but also sets standards of affection and respect. It allows us to save this tenderness that does us so much good, especially at a time when affection is rare. Perhaps this is a habit that deserves to be picked up, right?

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