Some People Go Through Our Lives To Teach Us Not To Be Like Them

Some people go through our lives to teach us not to be like them

Some people go through our lives to teach us not to be like them. Because as Oscar Wilde said , “some people sow happiness wherever they go; others, when they leave ”. Any relationship leads to a result, which can sometimes translate into discomfort, because our experiences allow us to manage our feelings differently.

Viktor Frankl wrote that life is potentially meaningful because one can extract meaning from the same suffering. So, even if sometimes we can have the impression that certain negative relationships do not make any sense, what is certain is that it gives us a vision of the world that we did not know until then.

In other words, it means that we are taught what are the things that we value and what are the things that bother us, embarrass us or hurt us. Ultimately, it shows us a side of ourselves that we don’t want to reveal or develop.


Witnessing injustices and feeling great discomfort as a result of actions carried out by certain people, it helps us to reflect on our own principles and thus to reinforce our beliefs about what is good and what is bad.

Betrayal, coldness and arrogance hurt. Very bad. Sometimes the most painful thing is precisely to realize that we no longer recognize these people who have nevertheless been part of our entourage for a while; There are some people that you only really know when they show themselves as they really are, when they no longer need you and reflect their true interest in you.

When that happens, the same grief makes us re-envision our priorities as well as our own actions in relation to others. That’s why sometimes experiencing a disappointment in one of our relationships of whatever nature makes us a better person.

It helps us value other feelings, supports us in our development, and requires a lot of work on us that allows us to move forward and not stagnate in discomfort, guilt or resentment.


When it comes time to distance ourselves from those people who are hurting us, it is good to play with the benefit of anticipation. In other words, to take advantage of the fact that their reactions and intentions are always more predictable. This allows us to relate to these people in another way, since we manage our surroundings more than our desires.

In this sense, we should not give so much importance to what these people do, but rather focus our attention on the lessons that can be learned from their actions; it will help us to create opportunities for development and to work on our self-esteem as well as our strength.

Because ultimately, the one who waits is disappointed, and to expect everything from someone, this can generate in us disillusion and submission, thus removing our psychological oxygen, contaminating our emotional atmosphere, and limiting our worries.

Thus, adopting this perspective will allow us to achieve a certain indifference and to descend from this emotional roller coaster, while succeeding in separating our worries from those of the other and by freeing us from his insecurities and his disproportionate reactions. .


We must therefore have clear ideas, and be able to expose our thoughts and emotions without being afraid of the consequences when the time comes. This will have a result as quick and direct as it is satisfactory: our problems will diminish and we will be able to live in peace.

When someone is intentionally trying to harm us, then we have to choose whether or not we want to open our emotional window to them and give validity to what is going to suffocate us.

Life is really too short to live in anguish because of certain actions of the people around us. That’s why the best decision we can make is to move away from what is negative in some people and move closer to what makes us feel good.

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