Start All Over To Move Forward

Moving forward knowing that our emotional problems are solved and our wounds healed is not a good option. We have to be able to move through these internal worlds in order to shape a better version of ourselves.
Start all over to move forward

Going forward without looking back and starting all over again is not always easy. Especially in those moments when sadness weighs too much. And where we carry with us the suffering resulting from all these battles from which we came out with wounds. Sometimes it is necessary to take a break along the way to heal ourselves. Pick up our broken pieces. Or even reinvent ourselves. Once we’ve shaped a new and better version of ourselves, we’ll be ready to move on, write a new page in our lives, and start all over again.

So we can compare life to a fabric lined with beginnings and ends. These are two sides of the same coin, filled with opposing emotions that you don’t know how to deal with. Affiliate fears and worries that prevent new opportunities from appearing. Doing it in the best way undoubtedly determines the integrity and quality of anything that may come next.

Experts on the subject such as Denise Beike of the University of Arkansas point out that in our life cycle, it is less the impact that various facts of varying severity can have than how we deal with them that matters. . This is why it is important to have a clear and objective view of certain aspects.

For example, very often, after having lived through a bad patch, one hears oneself say that it is necessary to “move forward” . However, how do we get there when so much weight remains in us? And emotional anguish? We know very well that we must look ahead. However, it is not always easy to generate this progress.

Because the roots of pain run deep. And we cannot rip them off and move them elsewhere and wipe out the past. We must be able to repair and transform. To create a new material starting from what we are. From what we have experienced and learned. This process can be time consuming, of course. But this will give us the opportunity to start all over again. And to start on new bases.

to start all over

We can do it. We can look at the horizon, put one foot in front of the other, and move forward as if nothing had happened. It is even possible to bet everything on time to heal our emotional wounds. To believe that by tearing the pages from the calendar, we will also tear off the sorrows and memories. However, a day will come when we realize that none of this is sustainable.

Albert Ellis, a famous cognitive psychotherapist, reminds us that we often let ourselves be carried away by certain beliefs without weighing other alternatives. These are what we call “irrational ideas”, those which place us in unhealthy or even problematic personal states.

Thus, whenever we are forced to give shape to any type of transition or to face a very hard moment, it is essential to reflect on the dimensions that we present to you in the rest of this article.

Moving forward emotionally

Going forward is one thing; moving forward is another. It is common, for example, to see many people entering psychological therapy because they have decided to seek help and move on after experiencing a separation or the loss of a loved one, forgetting above all one aspect: that of mourning.

to start all over

It is necessary to integrate in our personal register a very basic term: to move forward. This word implies to:

  • Don’t stagnate in one place for too long
  • Understand that it is necessary to apply a new life strategy
  • Start from within (without running away)
  • Tell yourself that you have to accept what you feel, understand it, manage it, heal it and allow yourself to seize a new opportunity. Thus, we “progress” emotionally, but also psychologically.
  • Be aware of a detail: the sadness or the pain of a loss does not go away. Nothing and no one can erase these kinds of feelings. We have to make a place for them in us and learn to live with them.

Be aware that transitions take time

As a study conducted by Dr Mark A. Thornton of Cornell University reveals, with all change comes a series of emotions that you have to be able to deal with. Returning the head and heart to these states to move forward often involves running the risk of developing some type of psychological disorder, such as depression.

We need to be able to cry with sadness, to channel hatred and frustration, to remain calm in the face of disappointment in order to analyze it and learn a lesson from it.

Start all over again being stronger

We don’t change; We move forward. The human being changes when he thinks it necessary, not on a whim, not for pleasure, but to face adversity and to rise as a being more resistant, more skillful and more prepared to face obstacles.

We realize that moving forward is the only option in life we ​​have, if we don’t want to sink. However, let’s do it in the best way possible: without running away from ourselves and that interior which, like a messy and dark room, requires our attention, tidying up, oxygen and more than a change.

Let us therefore allow ourselves to start all over again, to re-walk our personal life paths with an updated, stronger and more optimistic version of ourselves. As Charlotte Brontë said, “let’s stop talking about the past: the present is more certain, and the future, even brighter.”

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