Ten Sentences To Start From Scratch

Ten sentences to start from scratch

Life continually brings us back to the seaside, where only confusion reigns. When we go through a task and realize that something has broken down and it is better to go back to square one, or when we face the definitive loss of a love, a joy or a ‘a reality that we liked. In these times, listening to phrases can help us start from scratch.

In reality,  the words “start” and “end” are constructions of our mind. Every minute of our life we ​​start and end something. Whether at the biological or psychological level, there is always an evolution. There are always changes and there are perhaps only two extremes, in their absolute sense, that can make us say that one thing begins and ends: when we are born and when we die.

Life is like a football match: it doesn’t end until the referee blows the final whistle. Therefore,  it is never too late to start over. There are many examples of people who have tried to do it, even at very old ages, and have succeeded. Many of them have left us, as a legacy, very beautiful sentences to start from scratch. Here is, for example, a quote from Carl Lewis:

Considering the alternative of starting over is a recurring situation. It’s not that easy to assume that something important has ended and that somehow everything is in the past. Starting from scratch takes courage and also motivation. So we have put together ten phrases encouraging to start over, which might give you strength when all other paths close.

butterfly that wants to start from zero

Phrases to start all over

Sometimes we face significant losses. It happens when someone dies or leaves for good. Or when, for example, we lose our job, a property on which a lot of things or a lot of money depend. It is in these moments that we feel that we have to start over and, above all, start from scratch.

The hardest part is taking the first step. It means accepting the loss and taking a new path. It requires courage, energy and the ability to make decisions. This is why we often hesitate when taking a new path. However, it is important to remember some of these phrases handed down to us by great philosophers:

Fear is our main enemy when it comes to starting all over again. It’s normal. However, on this point we must remember Joseph Campbell, a great thinker who also passed on wonderful encouraging phrases to us. He warns us that sometimes the dangers are only in our imagination. And that very often the most precious is on the other side of fears. Here is a sentence that sums up this idea:

Start over after failure

There are other times when the need to start over does not arise exactly from a loss but above all from a failure. Like when we decided to start a new business, everything started to go wrong, to the point where it seemed impossible for us to continue.

Failure leaves a powerful mark on our confidence and our desire to move forward. It is not easy to gather again the energy necessary to start over, to try again. It is at this moment that the magnificent capsules of wisdom of great figures of humanity come into play to give us strength. Here are a few :

We need courage to admit that we have failed. And also of strength to understand that no failure is final. On the contrary:  errors are the great masters that always feed us. You just have to learn to transform them into sources of wisdom.

sunrise in the shape of lips

The beginning and the end are relative

The concepts of beginning and end are very relative. All reality has its cycles. Everything ends in winter to start again in spring. Here is what is beautifully explained through  this sentence of Lao-Tseu:  “What the caterpillar calls end of the world, the rest of the world calls it butterfly”.

This is what we are, an eternal end and an infinite beginning. Either way, nothing begins and nothing ends. There are only successive processes, tasks that end to make room for others. This is what Pablo Alborán reminds us through this sentence:

The strength to start over gives us the conviction that trying again is worth it. Life demands that we be able to grow. Experience and knowledge in the art of living can only be acquired while living. And the new paths are a call to live this life to the fullest. To renew ourselves and discover other realities. This is what Mark Twain explains with this sentence:


Let’s not lose sight of the fact that nothing lasts forever. Ends and losses are part of life. Sooner or later we will face the demand to start over. This is when we can correct mistakes, adjust actions, and elevate our goals. Starting over is always a part of magic and hides the emotion of a new opportunity.

Images of Vladimir Kush


Take the time it takes to start over
Our thoughts Our thoughts

Starting over involves putting an end to things that went wrong and letting them go because it can hurt you. Think …


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