The 4 Virtues Of The Nap

The 4 virtues of the nap


A nap is practiced by many people, usually after meals. When you get up early and want to stay up in the evening, you sometimes need a nap.

It recharges us with energy and allows us to continue to face the day productively.

Many people either do not want to take a nap or avoid it because they think they are going to waste time.

What they do not know is that in addition to recharging us with energy, the nap has many psychological benefits that we do not recognize.

Do you want to know all the psychological benefits of a nap? Read the rest of this article!

1. It makes you more alert

After a long morning’s work, our output is reduced. We think more slowly, we don’t have as much reflex, we yawn, etc.

Ultimately, we find ourselves in a state of fatigue which reduces our state of alert.

An airplane pilot, a bus driver or any other job requires being well “awake” because it is essential not to fall into drowsiness or fall asleep.

This is why a nap not only allows us to be more alert but also makes us more aware of our surroundings and thus more productive.

In many situations, it is more than necessary to be in good mental health, hence the interest of the nap, which should be mandatory.

2. It improves memory

Sometimes we sleep poorly at night, which makes us more tired than normal. It will affect our memory whether we like it or not. This is why a good nap will be excellent for our memory.

A nap not only recharges us with energy but also stimulates brain activity. This improves our memory and increases our creativity!

It’s okay to take 10-20 minutes for a nap every day, but sometimes our bodies need more rest. It depends on the person and their ability to fall asleep.

3. It improves morale

Not sleeping well and being tired all day long can make us more irritable. If you feel irritated and everything makes you feel bad, try taking a nap every day. 

The nap will also allow you to be more productive. This laziness which accompanies fatigue disappears, giving rise to an active person, who wants to “get started”. There is nothing better than a good nap to replace a cup of coffee.

4. It eliminates stress

In addition to improving your morale, which will make you productive, a good nap will relieve any stress you may be suffering from.

We know that in the face of work stress, it’s best to get away, take a walk, and take some distance, but sometimes that’s not enough.

A good nap can therefore make us forget the stress that invades us and blocks us.

But what if you can’t sleep? Don’t get frustrated and get up to go back to your business.

Keep your eyes closed for a few minutes even if you can’t get to sleep. Thanks to this position, you are already resting. Thus, you decrease your anxiety and nervousness.

And you, are you taking a nap?

If you don’t take a nap, maybe you don’t need one. But when you’re feeling irritable, exhausted, or lazy, try taking a nap! It will allow you to be more productive during the rest of the day.

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