The Only Way To Get To The Other Side Is To Change The Path

The only way to get to the other side is to change your path

We cannot find a path to happiness without starting to learn how to deal with and remove the stones that block our path.

These obstacles lead us to stumble more than once, even when we try to go ahead and get to the other side.

This happens because we persist in wanting to go back: our feet remain anchored on this path which has done us so much harm, rather than heading towards another path which would allow us to advance.

However, the difficulty that such an undertaking involves seems logical.

Look behind only for future rehearsals

It is very difficult for us to make the past just this place to look back to in order to make sure that we are no longer the same.

It takes a lot of work from us to sit down and think, to realize that we can no longer look at the past from the point of view of the present, because life goes on.


“She was not afraid of difficulties: what frightened her was the obligation to choose a path. To choose one path was to abandon others. ”

-Paulo Coelho-



In theory, it’s easy to tell someone: you just have to forget and move on.

But in practice, it’s hard to say the same to yourself, because we know how we felt, and what it means to leave a painful memory in the back of a drawer.

Because the truth is that the best that we can do when the same obstacles present themselves several times in our path, is to keep these memories in mind so that the same thing does not happen two or three times. .

The new path doesn’t happen overnight

Make the way by moving forward or by looking for a new one; the comparison is different, but the purpose of the message is the same: it is necessary to be courageous and to move forward.

This will prove useful for us at the right time, depending on the bad experiences we have had to go through.

Letting go of the past means healing our wounds, which also need time to heal and be sutured.

The emotional blockages that occur force us to stop dead and recognize ourselves again, because only then can we start new relationships or be happy in what we do.

In this sense, we feel in danger when we discover that our truths are perpetually changing, and that sooner or later we will all be forced to lose in order to be able to keep winning : with time and consistency, slowly but surely.


“It is by moving forward that the path is made

and when we look back

we see this path that

we will never tread again. ”

-Antonio Machado-


The decision is in your hands

Even if it presents a certain challenge, the decision to change the path is in your hands, since no one other than you will be able to do it for you.

After so many sacrifices, only this way can one feel free and full; Then new principles will arrive, and we will be ready to devote ourselves to them.

Being prepared for success certainly means that one day, wanting to change our path will allow us to get there.

We will build new emotions, and if we fail, we will be able to remember all those times when we were successful in overcoming that failure.

There will ultimately be wakes in the sea ; in other words, our experiences are an integral part of who we are, and will cease to be obstacles.

The new path we take will be proof that emotional well-being comes at a price, which sometimes results in steep slopes or difficult times that we must learn to manage.


“Where there is a tree to plant, plant it yourself. 

Where there is an error to correct, correct it yourself.

Where there is an effort that no one dares to make, do it yourself.

Be the one who takes the stone out of the way. ”

-Gabriela Mistral-


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