The Rules Of Life, According To Dr Jordan Peterson

The rules of life of Dr. Jordan Peterson concern four main aspects: values, the relationship with oneself, the relationship with others and avenues for action. In reality, they are not rules as such, but rather parameters to guide us.
The rules of life, according to Dr. Jordan Peterson

Dr. Jordan Peterson is a psychologist at the University of Toronto. He has become very popular with young people because of his fun and friendly way of sharing his knowledge. On YouTube and other social networks, he’s a real star. Recently, the publication of her 42 rules of life has caused a lot of talk.

Peterson is a well-trained scholar with a humanistic mind and with a great deal of experience. Nonetheless, he turns everything he knows into simple speech suitable for everyone.

This Canadian psychologist is the author of the book  12 rules of life: an antidote to chaos. In reality, they are not 12 in number but 42.

The rules of life in line with the values ​​of Jordan Peterson

Among the 42 rules of life, there are some that directly allude to great human values. Peterson places particular emphasis on honesty, solidarity and recognition.

Here are the rules of life that evoke the virtues:

  • Be sincere.
  • Act in such a way that you don’t have to hide your actions.
  • Be the one who does things, not the one who pretends.
  • Avoid arrogance and resentment.
  • Cultivate gratitude and allow it to remain in your heart.
  • Nothing that is done well is insignificant.
Psychologist Jordan Peterson offers rules related to values.

Jordan Peterson’s Rules of Living Regarding Self-Relation

Some of Peterson’s rules of life evoke the axes for maintaining a good relationship with oneself. It is about know-how rather than know-how. These rules in themselves focus on positive attitudes to evolve.

The rules on the relationship with oneself are as follows:

  • Do not live a life of continuous confrontation with your desires.
  • Do not look for ease or convenience, but rather what is meaningful.
  • Pay attention to reality.
  • Make something improve in every place you go.
  • Compare yourself with who you were in the past and not with someone else in the present.
  • If something from the past makes you cry, write it down in as much detail as possible.
  • Treat yourself like someone you are always ready to help.
  • Let the way you dress reflect who you are.
  • Walk with your back straight and shoulders back.
  • Don’t hide the secrets that need to be revealed.
  • Read something that was written by a great thinker.
  • What you don’t know is more important than what you already know.

The rules of life for the relationship with others

In these rules of life, those which relate to the manner of conversing with others could not be missing. A large part of our well-being is precisely there: the bond we establish with others enriches us or impoverishes us.

Jordan Peterson therefore proposes to follow the following recommendations:

  • The person you are listening to may tell you something you need to know. Listen to her carefully so that she shares it with you.
  • Make sure that romanticism is always present in your relationship.
  • Don’t make your partner a service person.
  • Be careful when choosing who you share the good news with.
  • Keep in touch with the people who are important to you.
  • Do not lightly criticize social institutions or artistic works.
  • Ask someone for a little favor, and then that person will ask you for a favor.
  • Be a good friend to those who wish you the best.
  • Don’t pretend to save someone who doesn’t want to be saved. And be very careful when saving someone who desires it.
  • Before you criticize the world, get your own house in order.
  • If you come across an alley cat, pet it.
  • Do not disturb children while they are playing.
  • Don’t let stalkers get away with it.
  • Write a letter to the government if you think something is wrong and you can suggest a solution.
Peterson offers rules for dealing with others.

About meaningful actions

For Peterson, certain actions allow us to create avenues that guide us towards a more fulfilled life. These are one-off tasks that enrich life and can make it better.

Significant actions, according to Peterson, are:

  • Dream about what you can become and devote yourself to it completely.
  • Make your bedroom as beautiful as possible.
  • Work diligently on one thing and then watch what happens.
  • Don’t face something dangerous if you don’t have to. If she gets in your way, face it.
  • Taking responsibility for things makes new opportunities appear.
  • Make an effort to be precise in what you say.

All these rules of life evoked by Jordan Peterson are a way of simplifying and making certain healthy behavioral recommendations more didactic.

Of course, we should not see them as rules in the strict sense of the term. Rather, they are a reminder of effective models for evolving and growing.

The 10 rules of life, according to a Japanese Buddhist teacher
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