There Is No Cushion As Comfortable As A Clear Conscience

There is no cushion as comfortable as a clear conscience

Having a conscience full of good thoughts, good intentions and good deeds allows us to rest easy.

For their part, jealousy, anger, lies and deceit are undoubtedly the biggest thieves of sweet dreams and good emotions.

Take advantage of having a clear conscience, because having a clear conscience is like having a good compass that helps us stay north.

In other words, if we use our decision-making capacity wisely, we will be better able to maintain a good rhythm of life.


While it is not always easy to have a 100% clear conscience, we can strive to act coherently, in accordance with our values. We must avoid coming into conflict with our interests or other desires, which may be more or less easy to do, depending on the people around us.

Stay away from the negativity of some people, and keep your integrity

There are people who seem to help us, but who do everything to put us in the way.

Others are specialists when it comes to hurting us, making us feel guilty, making us believe that we are behaving selfishly.


In this sense, these people do not bring anything positive to us, neither to us, nor to our conscience; they prevent us from continuing to live normally and sleep well.


In this case, it is important that we value our relationships and that we identify the consequences of our feelings, paying special attention to balance the scales.


The pleasure of sleeping with a clear conscience

Sometimes it happens that others behave badly with us, but there is no point in returning the favor. Adopting such an attitude would then only fuel chaos and emotional decay.

In other words, if our philosophy is “eye for an eye, tooth for tooth”, then the world will remain blind.

Making mistakes and doing bad things with the intention of doing harm are not the same thing. We have to differentiate between these two concepts.

Sometimes when we go wrong it can make us ashamed or saddened even though we don’t have to feel guilty.


So when some people fail despite their good intentions, we shouldn’t punish them, but rather help them regain their self-confidence.


Thus, our consciousness invades every space of our life, and we can take care of any situation or any moment, no matter how complicated it may seem.


The world needs examples, not opinions

Often it’s not so much what people do that matters, but rather what they don’t do or feel.

We tend to always seek to justify ourselves with words that we try to inflate with equally insane meanings, making our opinions not only empty, but also obscured.

In other words, there is no point in trying to preach values ​​such as humility or sincerity, because what we need to do is let go of these haughty, false or hypocritical behaviors.

Obviously, to protect ourselves from frustration, it can be helpful to hide behind words, but this does not free us from the reality of our bad actions.

When we justify ourselves when we have not been asked for any explanation, it is because we have something to be ashamed of.

Indeed, if we think about it well, the fault does not necessarily have to be real to be able to torment us; we just need to feel responsible for what happened.

Thus, to free ourselves, it is also necessary that we work on us in order to forgive ourselves for all that we have been able to do or not do, all that we have been able to feel or not. no longer feel.


We are not able to solve all the problems that arise in the world, or even in our life. However, good intentions are grains of sand that will help us maintain the emotional balance we need.

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