Types Of Leadership According To Daniel Goleman

Types of leadership according to Daniel Goleman

The  leadership has become a core competency  in today’s society, where almost everything is done in collaboration with others. Many psychologists have studied this concept. Among them stands out Daniel Goleman. This psychologist is best known for having deciphered the power of emotional intelligence for the general public. However, he wrote books and conducted studies on this important subject.

The six types of leadership according to Daniel Goleman are the most widely used classification in different disciplines. So, for example, in the business world,  many managers study its material to improve their skills as leaders. So here we will talk about types of leadership according to Daniel Goleman and what they consist of.

What are the types of leadership according to Daniel Goleman?

In his book Leadership that gets results , Daniel Goleman described six different types of leadership. Each of them is based on a component of emotional intelligence. What they all have in common, however, is that  the people who develop them get results.

daniel goleman and his types of leaderships

The types of leadership according to Daniel Goleman are not, moreover, incompatible. On the contrary. The best leaders are able to take elements of each of them to adapt to the demands of the moment. It is first necessary to know them all in order to choose the most useful for a given situation. As described by Goleman in his work, the six types of leadership are:

  • Coercive or authoritarian
  • Democratic
  • Affiliate
  • Visionary or orientative
  • Pilot
  • Coach

We see each of them.

1- Coercive or authoritarian leadership

The first type of leadership according to Daniel Goleman is based on discipline. Managers who follow this model try to keep discipline above all else. They usually use short, concrete, and precise instructions. The consequences of not respecting what has been asked are generally harsh. They will often try to set an example in order to dissuade those who might be tempted to relax or not follow directions.

This often causes demotivation of group members. Indeed, workers feel that they have no control over their work. That their operational capacity and their decision-making capacity do not go beyond that of a machine. This type of leadership should therefore only be used in situations where it is necessary to act in a very specific way. Or when the group has many organizational problems. For example, in an emergency or during an extremely complex task in which there is little room for error.

2- Democratic leadership

Democratic leadership follows the idea that it  is necessary to take into account the opinions of the whole group when making a decision. This usually involves a multitude of meetings, debates and discussions. It will therefore be particularly useful in cases where there is a lot of time to decide which path to take. In cases where the training of all group members is similar to achieve a given goal.

Democratic leadership is often used when the work team is multidisciplinary. When it is necessary to combine the different disciplines to carry out the projects. In other words, when there  is a need to reach agreements in those areas where the disciplines come together or overlap, so that the parties doing all of these tasks make it all work.

3- Affiliate leadership

The third type of leadership according to Daniel Goleman is based on  the creation of links between the different members of the group. Harmony and collaboration between them can thus be obtained. We are talking about a type of leadership that seeks above all for a good human environment, knowing that it is a stimulus for workers.

The main difficulty encountered by this type of leader arises when there is a significant lack of discipline and organization. Also when conflicts arise. Indeed, the emotional involvement of people will be much more important.

4- Visionary or orientative leadership

Leaders who use this style  motivate their subordinates through a clear and exciting vision. They thus show their role to each of them. The main benefit of this type of leadership is that everyone is clear about where the team is headed. So the motivation is more important.

It is generally one of the most demanded leadership styles today.

a leader with his team

5- Pilot leadership

The pilot’s role is to set a course and maintain it. He gives himself as an example. He therefore seeks to always act as a model would. This type of leadership is typically used by people who like to feel involved. The problem is, this prevents the team from adding anything to the final project. Something that differs from the model.

This type of leadership is especially effective when the leader is an expert in the field and the other members of the group need to learn from him to a large extent.

6- Leadership coach

The final type of leadership involves  helping group members identify their strengths and weaknesses. Then try to make everyone develop their full potential. The underlying philosophy is that a good worker will contribute more than an employee who has not reached their maximum development.

Each of the types of leadership according to Daniel Goleman has advantages and disadvantages. It  is therefore essential to choose at all times the one that best suits the group and the circumstances. So developing leadership skills will be useful for business leaders and for anyone who will need to work as a team to achieve a goal.

Leadership and discrimination against women
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The links between leadership and discrimination against women have been highlighted by numerous scientific studies.

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