Walking Is Beneficial For People With Fibromyalgia

Walking is beneficial for people with fibromyalgia

Walking allows us to relax our mind and strengthen our body.

Few of the exercises are as liberating as the one consisting in letting ourselves be carried away by the slow rhythm of our feet while our heart beats and our gaze relaxes …

According to a study, going out for a walk on a regular basis could improve the quality of life of patients with fibromyalgia.

The quintessential “invisible disease” affects almost 4% of the world’s population, and of those 4%, almost 90% are women.

No one chooses to have fibromyalgia, and only people who have it know that this pain is not seen and experience those twinges in the joints, the weight of certain muscles that do not respond, and that feeling of being trapped in it. own body.

Even though neurologists and the rest of the specialists recommend that people with fibromyalgia stay active as much as possible, they know full well that among them, only 31% manage to exercise on a regular basis.

It’s not easy to find the strength to keep your spirits up when your body just isn’t responding.

However, researchers at the center of clinical psychology at the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid carried out an interesting project which had very positive results.

Indeed, something as simple as going out for a walk for 20 or 30 minutes each day could significantly benefit the quality of life of patients with fibromyalgia.

Read the rest of this article, and you will learn more about the subject.


Fibromyalgia and sensory hypersensitivity

Even if today specialists do not unanimously agree on the nature of the origin of this disease, some studies such as the one published in the journal Arthritis & Rheumatology speak of what is called the hypersensitivity in sensory stimulation.


Fibromyalgia does not make our life better, nor does it give us a break when we need it. Pain becomes a terribly familiar enemy, but despite everything, we do not allow it to take full control over our lives.


A brushing, intense visual stimulation, a smell, a bad position, a period of stress and anxiety …

All this causes severe pain, overload and abnormal sensitivity which is accompanied by inflammation of the joints and muscles as well as severe fatigue and even migraines.

Often these aspects can be diagnosed by MRI, hence the sensory integrating regions of the brain suffer from too much stimulation.

They are like electric shocks, like lashes that no one other than the patient perceives and which completely change their quality of life.


Overnight, the person feels trapped in their own body as their family and the rest of society treat them with skepticism.

Suffering from fibromyalgia and maintaining a specific rhythm of activity is not easy.

This is the reason why, even on treatment, not everyone can exercise on a regular basis.

Walking to ease the pain

The study was carried out by researchers at the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid on 1,000 patients suffering from fibromyalgia.

The results obtained were quite simply very encouraging: walking reduces the intensity of the pain and improves the quality of life of these people.

  • Scientists started from the idea that people with chronic pain cannot always have the strength or the inclination to go out for a walk every day.
  • So they had to come up with a new strategy, something different, something that would stimulate the patient by getting up from bed  and turning their body on even when the patient said “today you can’t move” .

We cannot forget either that fibromyalgia is a public health problem requiring multidisciplinary remedies, treatments combining the pharmacological aspect with these therapies that each patient considers beneficial for his own case.


Fatigue, suffering and the particular case of each patient

The work carried out by psychologists at Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid has established the importance of working on fatigue as well, and not just on pain.

They then came up with an interesting program to influence the attitude and motivation of each patient, with the goal of encouraging them to walk for 30 minutes every day.

  • The results obtained have been very positive. Patients now enjoy pain relief, a more positive mood and improved overall health from this moderate physical exercise that takes care of their heart, muscle, bone and emotional well-being.
  • It is important to point out here that it is necessary to know your physical state before starting to practice this exercise consisting of walking every day.
    Some patients with fibromyalgia may have problems with coordination, walking, and even balance.
  • Take care of your physical condition and consult the appropriate specialists if you have an illness with symptoms such as chronic pain. Wear suitable shoes, comfortable clothes, take a bottle of water, and go out for a walk in good company in case at any point you feel unwell.

Do not hesitate to go out for a walk every day. Enjoy every step, do good to your body by activating yourself, and relax your mind with every step you take. It’s worth it.

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