We Can Learn From Everyone

We can learn from everyone

“Miro salvajemente a la gente a la cara, por si una cara me cambia salvajemente la vida; sigo, constelaciones de besos perdidos, por si algún beso quisiera quedarse a cenar, conmigo… ”(“ I look people wildly in the eyes in case a look savagely changes my life; I am the constellations of lost kisses, in case where one of them wanted to stay for dinner with me… ”).

Here are the lyrics to a song by Pedro Pastor. It is true that thanks to music, we learn beautiful lessons in life.

But wouldn’t it be true that all the looks and all the kisses that reach us modify who we are, for good or for bad?

There have always been thoughts that compare our journey through the world to a journey by train or bus.

During the trip we take care of the relationships that make us smile and we have the opportunity to meet new people and experiences of all kinds.

So, the best thing about this trip is that what will happen to us in the future is a mystery, but what has happened to us and is happening to us builds us emotionally.

There are people … who leave their mark

Hearts that impact us in one way or another, that allow us to learn a little about ourselves, will stay with us forever.

There are hearts, faces and kisses that leave their mark, that wake us up and make us richer. There are others that simply decorate the landscape.

Some appear without warning and stay to teach us what feelings like friendship, love, trust, etc. mean.

Others are there for a brief period of time, just what is needed to save us from a labyrinth, and still others are there from the start, like family.

With them we learn in particular the value of memories, the power of tenderness and human warmth.

Someday we will even remember some people, whom the memory of the heart wanted to erase at one point.

Because, yes, there are people that the heart decides to erase because they hurt, because they want to leave or because it is simply the moment to let them go.

People we can learn to be different

Forrest Gump used to say that life was like a box of candy because you never know what you’re going to get and that’s true in every sense of the word.

There is this small circle which gives us tenderness and which makes us happy, but there are also those who disappointed us one day, who hurt us or who surprised us, in the bad sense of the word. 

These are people who have a reason and from whom we can learn so as not to duplicate their behavior and make the same mistakes.

For example, we can learn from them what we don’t want to be, adopt a behavior contrary to what they have and give them the place they deserve.

So, just as bad experiences are painful, people who act meanly are also “teachers”.

When they get off our train, disappear and their mission is successful, they will stay in the past and their echo will serve us in the future, whether we believe it or not.

Our life is made up of scraps of tissue from other lives

We meet in our lives many people: we do not even perceive some faces while others are authentic and magical “pieces of cloth” in our life.

These are small drops of time and shared experience that become enormous when their emotional value is calculated. 


With time, we multiply the “hello” at the bus stop, the meetings at the concerts, we gain confidence in a cafe.

Our lessons and our decisions make us grow. Learning is close at hand: observe why a person appears so often and decides to get to know you better, even if it only lasts a minute.

We can learn from everyone, but the first person we learn from is ourselves .

You have a lot to teach yourself and a lot to know about yourself: you will find that it is an incredibly valuable process.

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