What Is Preventing Us From Achieving Our Goals?

What is preventing us from achieving our goals?

What are the goals really? Why are they defined at the beginning of something? How long does the desire to achieve what we set for ourselves as a goal last? It seems that starting a step is one of the best motivations for thinking about what we would like to change. So what do you propose for the year we have just started? 

Leaving aside the popular weight loss and smoking cessation goals, which are repeated every year and are rarely achieved, there are other types of goals, perhaps more personal and with more consistency. However, what can we do to ensure that these endure and be accomplished? One of the keys is to  have them in sight throughout the year and to turn them into concrete actions. In other words, be clearly defined, next to the goal, how we are going to achieve it.

The conversion of desires into actions is what gives our goals seriousness and consistency, which turns them into seeds to obtain the fruit that we want. Indeed, keeping them in sight allows us not to forget them or to keep them on the list of our priorities.

A study conducted by the University of Scranton, Pennsylvania,  showed that 92% of the population is not meeting their goals  and that some of the reasons are those we described previously: general plans not concrete actions, stop to clearly visualize what we want to accomplish.

little girl dressed as a super heroine

The driving force behind the goals: motivation

A secret to getting what we want is motivation, which protects us from the erosion that the passage of time can cause. Do I really want to achieve what I set out to do? Do I have the necessary tools to achieve this? Is it on me to get what I work for? Do I see myself with a chance of achieving this?

A big part of the answer to these important questions lies in motivation. If I consider myself capable, if what I’m looking to get is what I want, if I can visualize myself getting what I’m working for, and if I set small goals for myself every day and see progress, however small in the process. day by day, I will feel this reinforcement which compensates for the expenditure of energy which supposes to overcome the various obstacles which will appear.

Internal motivation is the best energy to get us closer to what we want. Making a list that we invest time and illusions in and then give up on is only frustrating and hurts self-esteem. Another essential element so that this list does not end up in a drawer or as a decorative element on a wall, is that it has internal consistency, in addition to being realistic (adapted to our possibilities and the resources at our disposal) and to have a unifying goal in the background. We are talking about personal growth here.

man writing

What goals can I set for this new year?

We suggest that you set a new goal, put aside what you have set for yourself and that you do not get due to the lack of strength of these goals, lack of desire or lack of realization and tangibility. This goal is not taking shape because, perhaps, it is too general and you have forgotten that goals, in order to survive, must be achievable.

We therefore suggest that you find something for which you will smile on a daily basis, and not the general objective of being happy. We suggest you not to lose weight, but rather to leave the whims for the weekend and to introduce three times of practice of the sport per week in your agenda.

Do something this year that you have never done before, it doesn’t matter if it’s something important like skydiving, climbing high mountains or visiting a country on every continent. All you need to do is sign up for activities you don’t know, try new foods, talk with different people, take new routes, or watch movies you wouldn’t have given a chance before.

The magic of goals is that it invites us to be better, to keep building our best version of ourselves, and to challenge ourselves. In wanting to move forward and expand what we know, the magic of goals is that we build them ourselves. So what are your goals for the new year?

Ikigai: the art that will lead you to discover your vital goals
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